90º connector
Doser cable
Metal terminals
• Disassemble the support duct from the extender ducts;
Extender duct
Lock pin
L-shaped slot
Extender duct
Lock pin
L-shaped slot
• Remove the hose from the 45° duct;
45º duct
Hose clamp
• Remove the dosage regulating pin, and the 45° duct from the doser;
45º duct
• Remove the fairing;
Support duct
Extender duct
Dosage regulating
45º duct
• Next, remove the dosage system;
• Wash all these components and let them dry very well before assembling
them again;
OBS.: When cleaning the dosage system, make hand movements clockwise and
counterclockwise to remove all the accumulated residues on the surfaces more
• Store your equipment assembled and clean on a protected place until the
next use.
When cleaning the dosage system, let water run only through
the input entry. Under no circumstance let the connectors,
the joystick or the battery get wet. There is risk of electric shock
and permanent damage to the electronic components.
11.2. Disposal of waste products
The elimination of waste resulting from the dismantling of equipment during ser-
vice, maintenance or end of life (disposal) should be carried out respecting the
environment, preventing pollution of air, soil and water. If necessary, the waste
should be stored in appropriate locations and then transported by qualified and
trained people and companies.
Disposal of used equipment should be done at appropriate points and approved
for receiving such material. If there isn't an appropriate nearby site, please contact
the Customer attendance: Dr. Luiz Miranda, 1650, 17580-000 – Pompeia – SP –
11.3. Storage
The equipment should be stored in secure and ventilated place. Do not store
equipment with chemicals in the tank. The chemicals can cause different reactions
and damage components of the equipment and the health of the operator. Store
the equipments in secure place mainly in harsh winter locations.