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Resumen de contenidos para Ocean Reef NEPTUNE III Serie

  • Página 3 1 - INTRODUCTION For more than 75 years, OCEAN REEF has been involved in the underwater diving industry. We have contributed much to this industry, from fins and snorkels to the most modern systems of underwater communication. Through the spirit of intrepid pioneers, brilliant inventors, passionate divers, and dynamic entrepreneurs, OCEAN REEF has been able to turn dreams into reality in the underwater world.
  • Página 4 2 - GLOSSARY FIRST STAGE Color - part Additional notes HP PORT 2 in total (1 on each side) LP PORT 4 in total (2 on each side) ANTIFREEZE COVER OCTOPUS PRESSURE GAUGE NEPTUNE III Package Owner’s Manual rel. 2.1...
  • Página 5 (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) NEPTUNE III Package Owner’s Manual rel. 2.1...
  • Página 6 (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL) (1 HAND OPTIONAL) NEPTUNE III Package Owner’s Manual rel. 2.1...
  • Página 7 Second stage marking First stage marking Octopus marking Where: • OCEAN REEF is the trademark. • EN 250:2014 indicates the reference standard. • CE is the marking indicating the conformity to health and safety requirements of European Regulation 2016/425 and to the EN250:2014 standard.
  • Página 8 The content of this manual is based upon the latest information available at the time of going to print. OCEAN REEF reserves the right to modify any products, processes and manufacturing techniques at any time. It is the technicians’ responsibility to acquire the latest information and parts from OCEAN REEF for service and repairs to be performed.
  • Página 9 In order to maintain the warranty, factory prescribed service for the products must be performed at least once annually by a factory trained OCEAN REEF Service Technician who is employed by an Authorized OCEAN REEF Dealer and whom keeps proper maintenance records. Repair, service, disassembly, or first stage adjustment must not be attempted by persons who are not factory trained and authorized by OCEAN REEF.
  • Página 10 (Emergency auxiliary breathing device). The OCEAN REEF Octopus described in this manual is intended to be used connected to OCEAN REEF first stages - Maximum depth: 50 m / 162 feet (According to EN regulation).
  • Página 11 Each involve unique procedures for both preparing a dive and exectuing a dive. OCEAN REEF products are made for all types of diving IF and only if the diver is trained, highly experienced and well versed in those conditions and has properly conducted safe excersises with his new gear addition.
  • Página 12 Within the European Community the use of Nitrox mixes is regulated by norms EN 13949 and EN 144-3. OCEAN REEF has designed and manufactured a special regulator line that complies with the aforementioned regulations. The first and second stage regulators of this line are identified by the marking “Nitrox” and also feature components colored green to allow an immediate identification.
  • Página 13 7 - FIND YOUR MASK (IDM) SIZE The Neptune III is available in two sizes, Small/Medium and Medium/Large. The illustration of the mask measuring chart is not to scale It is essential to choose a suitable size. You can choose between size S/M (for adults with smaller faces, women and children over 12 years old) and size M/L (for an adult male, or larger faces).
  • Página 14 8 - NEPTUNE III PACKAGE* *Other selling configurations are available 8.1 Neptune III Series OCEAN REEF is proud to provide you with a complete, certified package. Neptune III with first stage, quick-connection hose, octopus, 120cm quick connection hose and pressure gauge is a fully EN PPE certified apparatus (read pg6).
  • Página 15 8.2 First Stage SL 35 TX FIRST STAGE *Sold separately for Neptune III basic and some configurations. TUTORIAL The Neptune III should be used with this high performance, balanced diaphragm 1st stage with anti-freeze kit. The first stage has adjustable medium pressure and is made of brass with a satin finish body, stainless steel poppet, Teflon seat, and stainless steel spring.
  • Página 16 8.4 Pressure Gauge PRESSURE GAUGE *Sold separately for Neptune III basic and some configurations. TUTORIAL Single piece brass body: copper beryllium coiled inner mechanism; bourdon tube; rack and pinion movement for smooth and precise operation; tempered glass transparent window; plastic cover with loops for fixing: graduation 350 BAR/5000 PSI, full scale.
  • Página 18 Part A of the SAVIII = SAV III Thread locking Ring OPENING THE VALVE CLOSING THE VALVE PART A COUNTER-CLOCKWISE PART A CLOCKWISE Practice opening and closing the top (part A) of the SAV to ensure proper operation of the product. Part A should be closed and opened by operating only on the part itself and not the valve body (B).
  • Página 19 SAVIII - TROUBLESHOOTING Leaking SAV: Any leaking should be easily spotted while operating the pre-dive checks before descent. In case the leaking is noticed once the dive has started (bubbles seen from the valve, or you feel water seeping in from the SAV side): Ensure the SAV is closed while upright.
  • Página 20 Carefully open the cylinder valve to fully open. Close the valve a quarter turn! Check the pressure on the pressure gauge to make sure that there is the required amount of air for the planned dive. OCEAN REEF recommends that the cylinders should be full before every dive.
  • Página 21 9.2 DON THE NEPTUNE III FULL FACE MASK Adjust the equalization system to fit perfectly your need and test it on your face until you feel completely comfortable. Check that the 3D equalization system is properly secured. Neptune III How-to and other tutorials Pressurize the Neptune III as previously described in section 9.1 leakage and function test.
  • Página 22 SAV III TUTORIAL (IF ASSEMBLED) With the LP hose plugged in press the purge button of the 2nd stage and check Close surface air valve before descending. that the air flows freely. Release the button and check that air stops flowing. (IF ASSEMBLED) On the left side of the mask there is a Dive/Pre-Dive switch...
  • Página 23 10 - DURING A DIVE Breathe normally through your nose or mouth, whichever is most comfortable. To equalize, press the front part of the regulator or the top of the mask (without pushing the purge button). Breathing must be continuous, without holding one’s breath.
  • Página 24 11 - AFTER DIVING/ POST DIVE PROCEDURES DOFFING THE NEPTUNE III AFTER USE There are two ways in which it is possible to doff the Neptune III: Through the use of the quick release system Through the use of the handle (optional), very useful and suitable for removal with Neptune III How-to one hand.
  • Página 25 DISMANTLING The apparatus should be cleaned as described in the section 13 titled MAINTENANCE, CLEANING, DECONTAMINATION AND STORAGE, before, carry out the following: Close the cylinder valve by turning the cylinder valve handle clockwise until it reaches following its end position. Thoroughly vent the system by pressing the purge button on the breathing valve.
  • Página 26 12 - ASSEMBLY OF THE DOFFING HANDLE (OPTIONAL) Unscrew the quick release system with a Phillips “Pull to remove the mask” text should be facing screwdriver holding the bolt positioned on the inwards – towards your neck when wearing the mask, opposite side with one finger to prevent it from while the group logo should face out, towards the accidentally falling.
  • Página 27 SERVICING Table 5: Periodic maintenance program These actions can be performed by an authorized OCEAN REEF Servicing Center. For optimum longevity of the mask and the proper functioning of its parts we recommend rinsing the mask thoroughly in fresh water after every use. DO NOT clean the visor with any abrasive materials. We recommend drying the visor, especially the inside parts, with a soft, clean cloth.
  • Página 28 Equipment should be disinfected, especially when it comes into contact with the face, eyes or mouth. This includes but is not limited to: • Second stage regulator (Octopus) and internal surfaces • Snorkel • BCD oral inflator • Mask Cleaning frequency must ensure to the user a good protection and the right functionality. When using any disinfectant, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Página 29 This will typically dissapear once you adjust your breathing / position of equalization system. * OCEAN REEF recommends that the regulator be serviced at least once a year, or after 100 dives. This should only be performed by an authorized OCEAN REEF service center which uses original spare parts.
  • Página 30 15 - SPARE PARTS Available spare parts for the handle/substitution by end users are limited to the components listed in the following table. Part of the SPARE PARTS CODE Package 6924 Mask Sb5-C Eccentric equal block 6925 Mask SB-5A Equalizer 15253 Mask Washer M4 for Screw M4x8...
  • Página 31 Right neutral for extender frame OR002560 Mask Left earphone support for extender frame OR002561 Mask Right earphone support for extender OR002562 Mask frame Earphone plug for extender frame OR002564 Mask Bushing for extender frame OR002555 Mask NACS for extender frame OR002565 Mask Screw M3x8...
  • Página 32 The product has been tampered with or has been repaired/serviced with non-original parts. You can find a copy of this and other OCEAN REEF manuals online on our website. In order to limit our paper consumption, and as a part of our environmental friendly and responsible approach, OCEAN REEF recommends, in case you lose or damage this manual, to consult the documentation present online rather than print it out.
  • Página 33 Neptune III mask + first stage + octopus + pressure gauge + hoses. Factory prescribed service for the products must be performed at least once annually by a factory trained OCEAN REEF Service Technician who is employed by an Authorized OCEAN REEF Dealer and whom keeps proper maintenance records.
  • Página 34 Leggere attentamente e seguire queste Hochdruckgassysteme müssen mit Sorgfalt behandelt werden. Lesen und istruzioni relative alle attrezzature subacquee OCEAN REEF. befolgen Sie diese Anweisungen für die Ausrüstung von OCEAN REEF SCUBA- L’uso di attrezzature subacquee da parte di persone prive di Produkten sorgfältig.
  • Página 35 El servicio prescrito por la fábrica para los productos debe ser realizado al menos L’entretien prescrit par l’usine pour les produits doit être effectué una vez al año por un técnico de servicio de OCEAN REEF capacitado en la fábrica au moins une fois par an par un technicien d’entretien OCEAN que sea empleado de un distribuidor autorizado de OCEAN REEF y que mantenga REEF formé...
  • Página 36 OCEAN personen die niet in de fabriek zijn opgeleid en geautoriseerd door OCEAN REEF. REEFin valtuuttamia. • Controleer of de O-ring op de cilinder op zijn plaats op de klep zit en in perfecte •...
  • Página 37 Továrně předepsaný servis pro produkty musí být proveden alespoň jednou ročně jednom godišnje tvornički obučen OCEAN REEF servisni tehničar servisním technikem OCEAN REEF vyškoleným v továrně, který je zaměstnán u koji je zaposlen kod ovlaštenog OCEAN REEF distributera i koji autorizovaného prodejce OCEAN REEF a který...
  • Página 38 S visokotlačnim plinskim sustavima mora se pažljivo rukovati. Pažljivo pročitajte i OCEAN REEF SCUBA-produkter. slijedite ove upute koje se odnose na opremu proizvoda OCEAN REEF SCUBA. Användning av SCUBA-utrustning av icke-certifierade eller Korištenje SCUBA opreme od strane necertificiranih ili neobučenih osoba opasno otränade personer är farligt och skador på...
  • Página 39 Fabriksforeskrevet service for produkterne skal udføres mindst én gang årligt af O serviço prescrito pela fábrica para os produtos deve ser realizado en fabriksuddannet OCEAN REEF-servicetekniker, som er ansat af en autoriseret pelo menos uma vez por ano por um técnico de serviço OCEAN...
  • Página 40 Rūpnīcā noteiktā produktu apkope vismaz reizi gadā jāveic rūpnīcā apmācītam cel puțin o dată pe an de către un tehnician de service OCEAN OCEAN REEF servisa tehniķim, kuru nodarbina pilnvarotais OCEAN REEF izplatītājs REEF instruit din fabrică, care este angajat de un dealer autorizat un kurš...
  • Página 41 įrašus. Remonto, techninės montaż lub regulacja pierwszego etapu nie mogą być podejmowane przez osoby, priežiūros, išmontavimo ar pirmojo etapo reguliavimo neturi które nie są przeszkolone fabrycznie i nie autoryzowane przez OCEAN REEF. bandyti asmenys, kurie nėra gamykloje apmokyti ir OCEAN REEF įgalioti.
  • Página 42 Το εργοστασιακό σέρβις για τα προϊόντα πρέπει να εκτελείται τουλάχιστον μία φορά състоящ се от маска Neptune III + първа степен + октопод + το χρόνο από εργοστασιακό εκπαιδευμένο τεχνικό σέρβις OCEAN REEF, ο οποίος манометър + маркучи. απασχολείται σε Εξουσιοδοτημένο Αντιπρόσωπο OCEAN REEF και ο οποίος τηρεί...
  • Página 43 Pozorne si prečítajte a dodržiavajte tieto pokyny týkajúce Z visokotlačnimi plinskimi sistemi je treba ravnati previdno. Pozorno preberite in sa vybavenia produktov SCUBA OCEAN REEF. upoštevajte ta navodila v zvezi z opremo izdelkov OCEAN REEF SCUBA. Používanie potápačského vybavenia necertifikovanými...
  • Página 44 Is-servizz preskritt mill-fabbrika għall-prodotti għandu jsir mill-inqas darba fis-sena Bayisi tarafından istihdam edilen ve uygun bakım kayıtlarını tutan, minn OCEAN REEF Service Technician imħarreġ fil-fabbrika li huwa impjegat minn fabrikada eğitim almış bir OCEAN REEF Servis Teknisyeni tarafından Negozjant Awtorizzat tal-OCEAN REEF u li jżomm rekords ta’ manutenzjoni xierqa.
  • Página 45 제품에 대해 공장에서 규정한 서비스는 공인 OCEAN REEF 딜러가 고용하고 적절한 유지보수 기 Ní mór do Theicneoir Seirbhíse OCEAN REEF atá oilte sa 록을 보관하는 공장 교육을 받은 OCEAN REEF 서비스 기술자가 최소 1년에 한 번 수행해야 합 mhonarcha agus atá fostaithe ag Déileálaí Údaraithe OCEAN REEF 니다.
  • Página 46 ネプチューン III パッケージは、CE マークのない他のダイビン 用。 供氣必須符合 EN12021:2014 呼吸空氣標準的要求 グ製品には使用できません。 空気供給は、呼吸用空気に関する EN12021:2014 規格の要件を満たす必要があります。 高圧ガスシステムは注意して取り扱う必要があります。 OCEAN REEF SCUBA 製品の機器に関するこれらの指示を注意深く読 み、それに従ってください。 必須小心處理高壓氣體系統。 仔細閱讀並遵循這些有關 OCEAN REEF SCUBA 產 認定を受けていない、または訓練を受けていない人が SCUBA 品設備的說明。 機器を使用することは危険であり、高圧ガス システムのコンポ 未經認證或未經培訓的人員使用 SCUBA 設備是危險的,高壓氣體系統組件的損壞 ーネントに損傷を与えると、重傷または死亡に至る可能性があり 可能導致嚴重傷害或死亡。 在使用此面罩之前,您必須已成功接受來自公認認證機 ます。 このマスクを使用する前に、認定された認定機関 (または 構(或任何美國軍方或政府運營的潛水學校)的 SCUBA 潛水技術培訓和認證。...
  • Página 47 для дыхания. Kõrgsurvega gaasisüsteeme tuleb käsitseda ettevaatlikult. Lugege С газовыми системами высокого давления следует обращаться осторожно. hoolikalt läbi ja järgige neid juhiseid OCEAN REEF SCUBA toodete Внимательно прочтите и следуйте этим инструкциям, касающимся снаряжения varustuse kohta. продуктов OCEAN REEF SCUBA.
  • Página 48 ACCESSORY INTEGRATION • Extender Kit Inlcuded.. • Surface air valve integrated. • Customize your mask to your professional needs. OCEAN REEF Inc MESTEL Safety s.r.l 2510 Island View Way Via Arvigo 2, 16010 Genova (Italia) Vista, CA 92081 Phone +39 010 7082011 Phone +1 760 744 9430 E-mail: [email protected] Fax +1 760 744 9525 E-mail: [email protected]...