• The mecablitz must be suitable for the given
slave mode (see Table 1, Chapter 2.1) when in
slave mode of the Metz Remote System (opera-
ting mode selector
„Metz REMOTE").
• The operating mode selector
must not be set at position "A" as this is reserved
for future functions. For the time being, the
mecablitz cannot be triggered in this position.
9.2 Miscellaneous
The slave does not respond with an acknowledging
flash when the remote set-up is tested.
Possible cause / Remedy:
The sensor
any, or only insufficient, light from the controller.
Change the direction of the slave adapter so that
its sensor
light from the controller. Ensure that the controller
and the slave are working in the same remote
channel. The set-up is ready for firing when all
slave units respond with an acknowledging flash.
The slave unit does not fire a flash although the
test flash triggered with the test key on the control-
ler functioned faultlessly.
Possible cause:
The slaves are controlled by several flash pulses
from the master flash unit that are not discernible by
the viewer. The slave unit only emits its light a frac-
tion of a moment later than the flash was fired by the
of the slave adapter is not receiving
can easily capture and evaluate the
of the adapter in position
of the adapter