S5 – Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Some day-to-day basic maintenance and preventive
maintenance is essential to keep the machine mech-
anics and electric components in good condition for
proper machining results.
It is your responsibility to make sure that preventive
maintenance, as well as basic maintenance, is
You are the only one who can ensure that your
machine receives the proper maintenance care. You
are a vital link in the maintenance chain.
8.1 Basic maintenance
Basic maintenance includes tasks which are part of
everyday operation. You are responsible to ensure that
these tasks are carried out according to the main-
tenance table. You only need minimal manual skills for
these tasks and most required tools are provided with
the machine.
A maintenance kit is available for your machine.
It contains the required items for the main-
tenance tasks that you need to perform after
500 and 1,000 operating hours and for calib-
rating the machine. The maintenance kit is avail-
able from customer service.
8.2 Maintenance section
For your convenience, DENTALCNC lists all basic main-
tenance tasks in the Maintenance section. In the Main-
tenance section, you can see when the individual tasks
are due.
When you have marked a maintenance task as
complete, its time interval is reset and the list is
updated accordingly.
When you have performed a maintenance task, mark
it as complete in the Maintenance section. This will
keep the list up-to-date.
8.3 Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance for this machine has to be
scheduled every 2 years, or after 2,000 operating
hours at the latest.
To schedule preventive maintenance, contact cus-
tomer service.
8.4 Where to get service?
Customer service is your main contact for all service
related questions. They will provide you with spare
parts, maintenance tips and they will perform
preventive maintenance for you on request.
8.5 Definition of w ear parts
The machine and the extra equipment are warranted
for a period of 24 months or 2,000 operating hours,
whatever comes first. The warranty covers defects in
materials or fabrication as long as the regulations for
using the machine in all documents are followed.
Of course, the warranty also covers wear parts as long
as their failure cannot be attributed to the function-
related abrasion. The wear parts that are mentioned in
the maintenance table can already wear down within
the warranty period due to their normal function. The
average useful life of the wear parts can be seen in the
maintenance table.
Use these values to determine operating costs, to plan
your spare part stock as well as to create individual
maintenance and service plans.
Maintenance table
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Original Operating Instructions: S5
Version: 12/15/2021
When your machine is delivered or installed, ask the
service technician for contact details for the cus-
tomer service team. We also recommend scheduling
the first preventive maintenance appointment at this
point to ensure your machine gets proper main-
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