Standard Unit Conversion; Calculating Time Differences - Hexaglot Dialogue Puesta En Marcha

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Hexaglot Dialogue
Use the left display key to start the currency converter, the middle display key to start the time difference calculator and the right
display key to show the sizes table.
After selecting the unit category, select the next category with ▲ ▼ and press enter.

Standard unit conversion

Most units are converted based on the following method:
- After selecting the unit category, the input screen of the unit converter appears.
- The cursor is in the input field. Use ▲ ▼ to move the cursor between the from and to fields at any time.
- Enter the source value in the input field.
- The result field shows the actual conversion value based on the amount entered and units shown in the from and to fields.
- Use ◄ ► to select a source value from the various units in the from field, coloured inversely.
- The result field is refreshed on every input.
- Move to the to field with ▼.
- The unit in this field is now shown in inverse colouring.
- Use ◄ ► to select between different units for the conversion value.
- The result field is refreshed on very input.
To speed up and simplify switching between units, you can also use the display keys to switch between them:
- The middle display key Unit1+: enables the from field and scrolls to the next source unit.
- The right display key Unit2+: enables the to field and scrolls to the next conversion unit.
- The left display key Unit-: this key scrolls back to the previous unit from the currently active unit field (from or to).

Calculating time differences

The world time calculator on the Hexaglot Dialogue does not just provide you with the time differences between two cities or
states - you are also given the state codes of most states in the world:
- On starting it, the input screen of the world time calculator is displayed.
- The cursor is located in the state 1 field.
- Use the ▲ ▼ keys to move the cursor between the state 1, time (of state 1) and state 2 fields at any time.
- First select the required source location by scrolling through the state list, sorted according to state code, with the
display keys.
- Enter the initial letter to jump straight to states – example: entering C jumps straight to Cairo, Egypt.
- If the name is longer than the input field, scroll through the field content with ◄ ►.
- Press ▼ to bring the cursor into the time field.
- Enter the time at the source location in the time field.
- Press ▼ to enable the state 2 field.
- Select the required destination location by scrolling through the state list with the display keys
- You can also jump straight to states by entering the initial letter.
- The time at the destination location changes according to your input.
To speed up and simplify switching between states, you can also use the display keys to switch between them:
- middle display key Unit1+: enables the state 1 field and scrolls to the next state or city.
- right display key Unit2+: enables the state 2 field and scrolls to the next state or city.
- left display key Unit-: This key scrolls back to the previous state or city from the currently selected state field (state1 or state
and Unit-.
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