Scrolling Within Dictionary; Phrases; Search For Phrases Using Topic Selection; Find Phrase With Search Term - Hexaglot Dialogue Puesta En Marcha

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Hexaglot Dialogue
Please note the following when entering a search string:
- Diacritical characters (such as e.g. ü, ö, ä, é etc.) are normalised when searching: ä = a, ü = u etc.
- Spaces in search strings should be specified (e.g. in "parking light").
- Special characters (e.g. the hyphen in "know-how") need not be specified ("knowhow" is sufficient).
- If you make a spelling mistake, move the cursor to the error using the ◄ and ► keys and then use the del key to delete
individual characters and/or enter new characters.
- Press ESC to discard the whole of the input and type in a new word.
- The search string can contain up to 20 characters.

Scrolling within dictionary

You can scroll both within an entry, if it is longer than a display page, and to the next or previous entry in the dictionary.
Scroll within entry: If an entry is longer than the multi-line display, press on ▼ once to scroll down one line or keep it pressed
to continually scroll the display contents. Use ▲ to scroll backwards. The ▲ and ▼ arrow symbols in the status bar indicate
whether scrolling up or down is possible.
Scroll within dictionary: Use ◄ and ► to scroll to the alphabetically previous or next dictionary entry.

12. Phrases

The Hexaglot Dialogue contains a multitude of phrases from a total of 30 different topics typical when communicating abroad,
such as when in a hotel, airport or restaurant. Press the right display key
the start screen of dictionary mode, press TRANS first and then the right display key Phrase.
There are two different ways to search for matching phrases:
- You can select a topic and scroll through the available phrases.
- You can enter a search term.

Search for phrases using topic selection

The initial screen in phrases mode presents you with an overview of the available topic areas.
- Use ▲ and ▼ to scroll thought the whole list.
- Entering the initial letters is also sufficient to define a topic.
- After selecting the required topic, press enter to display the first phrase of that topic.
- Use the ► and ◄ keys to scroll to the next and previous entries.
- Use ESC to exit the entry and select a new topic.

Find phrase with search term

Keyword search is a very effective way of locating a phrase.
- To start the keyword search, press the right display key
- Now enter the keyword to be located.
- An incremental list of keywords matching your input is displayed.
- Select the required keyword using ▲ and ▼ and press enter.
- The phrase is displayed along with the corresponding translation.
- If more than one matching phrase is available for the keyword selected, scroll through the entries with ► and ◄.
- If no further phrases are available to display, a large down arrow appears.
- This signifies you have reached the end of the selection list.
- Use ESC to exit the entry and enter a new search term.
- If there is no phrase which contains the search term, the message Not found appears and you can enter a different search
to change the phrase set. If you are not yet in
in the initial screen of the phrases mode.
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