Initial use (APP download)
Scan the QR code to download YESOUL APP
Android/iOS mobile client
Chinese version
International version
APP installation and registration
1、 You can scan the QR code above to download the Chinese or international version of APP, and
register an APP account.
2、 Upon registration, open the bike course in the APP. Please connect the bike according to the
interface prompts in the course for the first use. Then, once you ride the bike, the exercise mode of
the APP will be enabled or the course will be automatically accessible.
3、 Before connecting the APP withbike, make sure that the Bluetooth of your mobile phone/tablet PC
has been enabled and no other devices are connected.
About APP membership
1、 Newly registered users of the Chinese version of APP-Yesoul will get the membership free of charge
granted along with the bike. The number and rights of membership granted vary depending on the
models of bike. Please consult customer service personnel before purchasing the bike. (If you didn' t
receive this freebie automatically, you may get it by manually typing in the SN code: Under [My] page,
tap on Become a Member Now under the portrait to access the membership page. Tap on Redeem
Membership to the upper right, enter the SN code on your machine, and you are now a member.)
2、 Registered users of the international version of APP-Yesoul Sports can get the membership free of
charge on the product membership page as indicated on the interface.
The S/N is at the bottom of the frame
(and also on the packing box).
*Due to software upgrades, the actual product will prevail.