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La inclusión de la referencias de producto que de en 10 -dic - 2013 115Vac Actualización revisión TF por SGS 01- jun - 2016 Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. Tlf.:+34918719132 Fax: +34918719323 email: [email protected]...
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Columna telescópica de tubo de acero, graduable en altura, pantalla reflectora de diseño triple- parabólica de aluminio anodizado. Base móvil provista de ruedas giratorias. Especificaciones Eléctricas Rango del equipo Modelos G.18900 (120V), G.18900- G.18900, G.18900-A: A(120V) 110 Vac ≈ 230 Vac ≈ Tensión de alimentación Frecuencia...
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Humedad: 0% - 90% Presión: 1000 - 100 mBar Requisitos ambientales Conforme a directiva 2011/65/UE (RoHS2). Conforme a directiva 2002/96/EC. (WEE). Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. Tlf.:+34918719132 Fax: +34918719323 email: [email protected] www.ortotecsa.com...
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No instale el dispositivo en una situación que será difícil desconectar si lo hará necesaria en caso de fallo. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
1. Producción de una quemadura local. 2. Aparición de lipotimias, cuando se tratan zonas extensas. 3. Aparición de cataratas en caso de exposición prolongada y continua a los IR. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
11. Para ponerla en funcionamiento enchufar el interruptor a la red eléctrica al voltaje indicado. 12. El modelo G.18900-A cuenta con un temporizador (3) de 0 a 60 minutos, girar la llave del temporizador al tiempo deseado. Compruebe que la bombilla se enciende.
(o una herramienta similar) retire la parte enroscada de la bombilla rota antes de sustituirla por la bombilla nueva. La rotura y/o la sustitución de la bombilla no forman parte de la garantía de este producto. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
RECOMENDACIÓN La lámpara no se enciende. Revise que existe tensión en la toma de red utilizada. G.18900 - Pulse el interruptor para el encendido. G.18900-A Gire el temporizador para el encendido. Compruebe que la bombilla no se ha averiado, desconectando previamente el aparato de la toma de corriente.
2013-06 MODELO: Lea las instrucciones antes de utilizar el producto REF: Ortotecsa,s.l. c/Peña de Francia,8, 28500 Arganda del Rey , Madrid-España LOT: SN: Potencia W/Voltios V/Hercios Hz/Amperios A Este equipo no debe ser eliminado como un residuo urbano al tratarse de un residuo eléctrico/electrónico.
GARANTÍA ORTOTECSA,S.L. garantiza por dos años, a partir de la fecha de compra, el funcionamiento de este producto contra cualquier defecto de fabricación. Nuestra garantía incluye la reparación, reposición, o cambio del producto y/o componentes incluyendo mano de obra en nuestras instalaciones..
La interferencia puede ocurrir en la vecindad del equipo marcado con el siguiente símbolo: Ver tablas anexas al final del manual. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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Rev. 4. Fecha: 28 de Agosto 2020 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION– ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS GUÍA DE DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – EMISIONES ELECTROMAGNÉTICAS The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared lamp should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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Rev. 4. Fecha: 28 de Agosto 2020 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared lamp should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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Rev. 4. Fecha: 28 de Agosto 2020 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared...
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XXXX should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocation the infrared lamp. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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NOTE 1 to 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance is applied in the highest frequency range. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, object and people. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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Inclusion of comments according test of electrical safety August 2013, 10 Inclusion to reference to the product rating at 115Vac December Update by SGS TF review Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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Humidity: 0% - 90% Pressure: 1000 - 100 mBar Environment requirements according to directive 2011/65/UE (RoHS2). according to directive 2002/96/EC. (WEE). Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. Tlf.:+34918719132 Fax: +34918719323 email: [email protected]...
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Don't install the device in a situation that will be difficult to unplug if it will necessary in case of failure Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
The main hazards from the improper application of IR are: Producing a local burn, appearance of fainting, when treating large áreas, and occurrence of cataracts in prolonged exposure and continues to IR. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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Connect the power cable to the network in a proper outlet. To run the equipment, plug to mains to the right input voltage. The model G.18900-A /G.18900-A/1 has a timer (3) from 0 to 30 minutes. Turn the key timer to the desired time.
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USER AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Rev. 4. Date: Ag 28, 2020 Timer G.18900-A and G.18900-A/1 Formula to calculate the dosing techniques applicable energy on the body Dose ( J/cm2) x Surface(cm2) Treatment time(s) = --------------------------------------- W (power average) WARNING! Sometimes it iwill be applied anti-inflammatories, analgesics, etc. To take advance on the hyperemia and dilation of the pores produced by the heat thus favoring absorption.
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Lamp doesn’t switching-on Check that there is right voltage at the socket used. G.18900 / G.18900/1- Press the switch to switch-ON. G.18900-A / G.18900-A/1. Turn the timer to run. Check that the bulb is not broken, previously disconnecting the unit from the outlet.
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The device must not be disposed as an urban waste, because it is an Electrical and electronic waste GROUND PROTECTION CE marking with the ID of the Notified Body Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...
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See tables attached to the end of the manual. WARRANTY ORTOTECSA, S.L. will provide a warranty for two years from the date of purchase, the working of this product against manufacturing defects. Our warranty includes repair, replacement, or exchange of the product and / or components at no charge to the customer, including labor and transportation any costs to comply with this compromise.
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When the product has been disassembled, modified or repaired by unauthorized persons. The breakage and / or replacement of the bulb are not part of the warranty for this product. In our continuous improvement process, Ortotecsa reserves the right to modify any characteristic without prior notice. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España.
EMC TABLES GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION– ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS GUÍA DE DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – EMISIONES ELECTROMAGNÉTICAS The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared lamp should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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Rev. 4. Date: Ag 28, 2020 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared lamp should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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Rev. 4. Date: Ag 28, 2020 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The infrared lamp is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the infrared lamp...
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NOTE 1 to 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance is applied in the highest frequency range. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, object and people. Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. ...