In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to Power and [^]or[v] to select required power output and
Press [OK] to save.
Setting simulated sun rise and set period:
To allow crops to adjust to either a lights-On period or lights-Off period, a sunrise
and sunset period may be set. During this period, the light intensity increases from
the lowest dimming level of the fixture up to the desired intensity and the opposite
at the lights-Off. The R/S (Rise/Set) period may be set up to 30 minutes.
In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to R/S and [^]or[v] to select required time period in minutes
and Press [OK] to save.
Setting Auto-dim and safety shutdown temperature parameters:
Auto-dim and shutdown; if the ambient temperature rises above the set threshold,
the lamps will firstly be dimmed to minimum dim setting and if the temperature
continues to rise and exceeds the second set threshold the lamps will shut down to
prevent crop damage.
In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to Dim and [^]or[v] to select required temperature to
engage auto-dim and Press [OK] to save.
In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to Stop and [^]or[v] to select required temperature to
engage auto-shutdown and Press [OK] to save.
Setting Delay time before lamp restart after auto-shutdown
If auto-shutdown has been engaged, the time period after temperature has fallen
below set threshold and lamps are restarted can be set in 5 minute increments from
0 – 30 minutes.
In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to Delay and [^]or[v] to select required time period in min-
utes and Press [OK] to save.'
5. Setting pre-set Switch On/Off and light intensity times
Setting pre-set Switch On/Off and light intensity times
The controller has the capacity for up to six different set switching/dimming times
per 24 hour period.
Press [OK] to enter Home screen
Press [<]or[>] to ZONE A and [OK] to enter
In ZONE A Press [<]or[>] to NEXT and [OK] to enter
ZONE A time setting
In ZONE A time setting Press [<]or[>] to first time setting check box and [^]or[v] to
toggle between
to activate time setting and
to deactivate time setting.