Program: TOL
Adjusting the tolerance limit – Example: 10,00 ±0,1mm in the „Absolute – Mode"
Activating the SETUP – Menu in the
„Absolute – Mode"
1x long
„tOL" will appear in the display
2x short
„tOL LO" will appear in the display for 2s
1x long
The last saved lower tolerance value will appear.
Selecting the next digit
1x short
Reducing the digit
1x short
Selecting the next digit
1x short
Reducing the digit
1x short
For confirming and saving
1x long
„tOL UP" will appear in the display for 2s
The last saved upper tolerance value will appear.
Selecting the relevant digit
2x short
Increasing the digit
1x short
For confirming and saving
1x long
Adjusting lower tolerance limit (9,90mm)
Adjusting upper tolerance limit (10,10mm)