Working safety during and after the treatment
• With treatments of apiaries in the open, take care that
the wind blows any escaping oxalic acid away from
the user. The whole length of the lead should be used
and the user should stay away from the hive.
• The foam material used for sealing the hive must be
handled with gloves. This avoids contact with the acid
where it may have condensed on the inner side of
the foam. The foam material must be washed out
carefully with water before putting away.
• Treatments on colonies in a beehouse must only be
made from outside through the entrances of the hi-
ves. During the treatment, the beehouse must be well
ventilated. No person must be inside the beehouse.
-Vaporiser is a powerful heater that ge-
nerates high temperatures. The vaporiser must not be
used near easily inflammable materials. Always put
the vaporiser on a sheet of non-flammable material
(i.e. metal). Never touch the metallic part of the vapo-
riser when in use. Caution: metallic parts may be hot
for a long time after use. The vaporiser must never be
switched on without supervision.
• After the treatment in the winter, oxalic acid-crystals
are found on the bottom of the hive. This can be due
to the absence of bee cleaning activity as found in
the summer. Caution is therefore needed if mite fall is
controlled after a treatment in the winter. Gloves and
a protective mask should be worn. The rest of the oxa-
lic acid will break down to water and carbon dioxide
and will be cleaned by the bees in spring.
5. Concept of control
5.1 Treatment in brood free colonies
-Vaporiser can be used in broodless colo-
nies. With the VARROX
-Vaporiser a very good efficacy
of > 96 % can be reached and thus it can decimate the
varroa-mite-population reliably to a very low level. The-
reby, optimal conditions for the new season are created
for the bees.
If there is a mite fall of more than 1000 varroa mites
caused by the treatment, or if it is uncertain whether there
was brood in the colonies, a second treatment is recom-
mended. The optimal time for it, is two weeks after the first
treatment. If a second treatment is necessary only 1 gram
of oxalic acid has to be used, independent on the size of
the hive. Two or more treatments are very well tolerated
by the bees.
5.2 Treatment of swarms / artificial swarms
Swarms and artificial swarms can be treated at any time.
5.3 Treatment of nucleus
Treatment of queenright nuclei should be carried out be-
fore the first brood is sealed, if possible. (No efficacy in
sealed brood).
Attention: Queenless colonies react very conspicuously to
the treatment with an increased activity in the hive and by
leaving the hive.
6. Accessories
(to order separately)
• Protective mask FFP3
• Timer
7. Electrical supply
-vaporiser must be operated with 12 volts,
12 ampere and cannot be directly plugged into a socket of
110 V or 220 V. It runs on direct and alternating current.
The following can be used as a source of power:
• Car accumulator minimum 40 Ah (the accumula-
tor and battery charger can be bought in DIY super
• With a transformer (12 V, 12 A)
If the vaporiser is connected to the car accumulator for
prolonged periods the engine of the car may have to be
run to avoid draining the battery.
8. Source of troubles
• After the treatment there is still some acid left in the-
• Heating time is too short: Heat longer (plus
about 1/2 minutes)!
• Accumulator is weak and produces too low a
capacity: Charge accumulator!
• Possible burr-comb, which is sagging from below
the frames, has to be removed, so that it is not in the
way of the VARROX
-vaporiser or too close.
• The treatment should only be used in hives normally
occupied with bees. Very small colonies or even
empty hives should not be treated.
9. Warranty
Please, follow the instructions for use carefully. We do not
assume any warranty for incorrect application, reasons
of unsatisfactory efficacy or possible damages that are
beyond the control of Andermatt BioVet AG.