Changing the drying cycle options
Drying cycles explained
Feather or Synthetic options
For all bulky items:
It is important that you check the care label of any item carefully, to ensure it is suitable for
tumble-drying, before placing it into the dryer.
Check that the load sits no higher than the top of the lint bucket before you close the lid.
Comforters / Sleeping Bags / Pillows:
It is a good idea to check your comforter throughout the cycle to ensure even drying.
Reposition if necessary. If the comforter contains feathers place a heavy item (eg a towel tied in
a knot) to help fluff the feathers.
Blankets / Throws:
For best results include 4 – 5 medium sized towels in the dryer with the blanket for cushioning.
This will help to reduce shrinkage from over tumbling. When drying more than one blanket,
check that there is enough room for them to tumble easily. At the end of the cycle remove the
blanket, shake and if necessary stretch the blanket back to its original shape.
Dry blankets thoroughly to prevent mildew from forming.
Six specialised drying cycles recommended for drying bulky items
to choose from:
Feather or Synthetic options
Sleeping (ZZz) Bag
Feather or Synthetic options