Motoreductor 230 v~ para cancelas corredizas (21 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para SEA FULL TANK 270
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Safety Gate (device for the reading of the gate position), for reverse in case of obstacle. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm) FULL TANK 390 FULL TANK 270 Fig. 3 1. Shaft cover 2. Release 3. Front bracket 4. Rear bracket 5.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 Cod. 67410845 REV 04 - 11/2010...
® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 TYPICAL INSTALLATION OUTSIDE INSIDE Full Tank operator Mechanical stop Gate 2 control board Warning lamp Photocell tx Differential switch 16A-0,03A Photocell rx Key switch start-stop Antenna 10.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 INSIDE OPENING INSTALLATION Total stroke 270 mm - max. recommended stroke 250 mm Max. Outside Max. Stroke Stroke Opening (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) for 90°(mm) Angle 110°...
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 OUTSIDE OPENING INSTALLATION Outside Total stroke 270 mm - max. recommended stroke 250 mm Max. Stroke Stroke Opening Fig. 8 max (mm) for 90°(mm) (mm) (mm) Angle 95°...
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 RELEASE MOUNTING Fig. 9 Remove the transporting plate as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 Mount the release as shown in Fig. 10. Cod.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 INSTALLATION OF THE OSCILLATING REAR BRACKET Open carefully the package, making sure not to loose parts which are listed in fig. 4 Attach the rear oscillating bracket as shown in fig.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 POSITIONING OF THE FRONT BRACKET Once the operator is attached to the post and the leaf set in the closed position execute the following operations: 1.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 INSTALLATION OF POSITIVE STOPS Release the unit (as in fig. 24) Make the shaft come out for ¾ of its stroke Put the positive stops into the front flange of the unit with the two tie rods (of the three present on the stops) which are parallel to the gate (Fig.19) Fix the positive stops with the provided screws Insert the ball joint after having installed the stops.
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 TORQUE ADJUSTMENT (by pass valves) By-Pass Valves Grey Yellow Grey Yellow Fig. 22 Adjust the opening and closing forces of the gate so that the diagram of the force is respected (present in the regulation EN 12453);...
. Fig. 24 Fig. 25 WARNING: SEA recommends to the end user to release the operator only after having switched off the electric power. Always contact a professional installer in case of not correct working of the operator. PERIODICAL MAINTENANCE...
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® FULL TANK Sistemi Elettronici English English di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 To the attention of users and technicians RISK EXAMINATION The points pointed by arrows in fig. 26 are potentially dangerous. The installer must take a thorough risk examination to prevent crushing, conveying, cutting, grappling, trapping so as to guarantee a safe installation for people, things and animals.
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NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER CAN NOT BE DEEMED RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY IMPROPER USE OF THIS PRODUCT. SEA reserves the right to do changes or variations that may be necessary to its products with no obligation to notice. Cod. 67410845...
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SEA registrato n° 804888. La garanzia non è inoltre valida nel caso la merce SEA sia stata in parte o in toto accoppiata a componenti meccanici e/o elettronici non originali, ed in particolare in assenza di una specifica autorizzazione in merito, ed inoltre nel caso in cui l’acquirente non sia in regola con i pagamenti.
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Industrial ownership rights: once the Buyer has recognized that SEA has the exclusive legal ownership of the registered SEA brand, he will commit himself to use it in a way which does not reduce the value of these rights, he won’t also remove, replace or modify brands or any other particularity from the products.
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14. Transit through the leaves is allowed only when the gate is fully open. 15. The User must not attempt to repair or to take direct action on the system and must solely contact qualified SEA personnel or SEA service centers. User can apply only the manual function of emergency.
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3. Este producto fue diseñado y construido exclusivamente para el uso especificado en esta documentación. Cualquier otro uso no expresamente indicado puede afectar la integridad del producto y ser una fuente de peligro. El uso inadecuado es también causa de anulación de la garantía. SEA srl se exime de toda responsabilidad causadas por uso inapropiado o diferente de aquel para el que el sistema automatizado fue producido.
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La SEA s.r.l. dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità e, se applicabile, del suo rappresentante autorizzato che il prodotto: SEA srl declares under its proper responsability and, if applicable, under the responsability of its authorised representative that the product: Descrizione / Description...
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® Sistemi Elettronici di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 Note - Notes - Note - Notas - Anmerkung...
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® Sistemi Elettronici di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 Note - Notes - Note - Notas - Anmerkung...
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è stato testato singolarmente al fine di garantire i più alti livelli qualitativi e la vostra soddisfazione. Vi ringraziamo per aver scelto SEA. This item has been produced following strict production procedures and has been singularly tested for the highest quality levels and for your complete satisfaction.
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N.B: L’estensione della garanzia legale di 12 mesi a 24 mesi e 36 mesi è va- lida solo se il presente modulo viene rispedito per posta o fax a SEA Srl entro 15gg dalla data di acquisto. Allegare relativa fattura d’acquisto.
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® Sistemi Elettronici di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 SEA S.r.l. Zona industriale 64020 S.ATTO Teramo (ITALY) Tel. 0861 588341 r.a. Fax 0861 588344 [email protected]