Visible marking of freely accessible height
Heights defined in this section are as below, defined by the distance to the floor.
Ceiling height – Height of the ceiling measured from the floor, and has a minimum value of 2.6 m.
Accessible height – Height, which defines the level to stay below during the operation of the UV-C unit. This height has a
minimum value of 2.3 m.
During normal use of this product, it is strictly forbidden to climb, reach and/or enter by any means into the zone which is above
the Accessible height. Above the accessible height, UV-C irradiance is high enough to cause injury and/or pose risk to human
The below marking needs to be placed into the room where the product is installed to distinguish and mark the accessible
height. The markings must not blend into the surroundings. The height of installation of these marks is 1,75m from the floor for
all locations where markings must be installed. It is not allowed to remove or cover the marks after installation by any means
(examples of not allowed covering: overpainting, covering by furniture, temporary removal). If the actual position of installation
requires, use additional fixation to prevent the markings from being removed from their position after installation (example:
fixing with additional pins to avoid peeling off)
The marks must be placed in the following locations in the rooms where the product is installed.
Any entry point to the room where the product is installed (example: outside of the door(s) of entry)
Under the product itself or on the closest wall where free access in the room is available. If multiple fixtures installed in the
same room, at least 1 mark per unit must be placed on the wall.
Commissioning (Verification of the mounted products)
Installation of the products referenced herein should only happen after a design of the UV-C irradiation in the application itself
(referenced generally as lighting design). In any case the installation cannot be handed over to the final customer without final
commissioning of the products in the actual installation.
Steps of verification of the installed products are as below:
Install luminaire to the pre-designed positions according to this document following all instructions
Stay on the ground level and make sure no one is staying above 2m.
Use personal protective equipment that protect against UV-C irradiation and/or accidental exposure.
Turn on power to the luminaires.
Survey the room with a sensitive UV-C meter at 1,75m height for UV-C levels. Ensure that the used UV-C meter is capable
to measure within the range of 0,2uW/cm2 irradiance.
UV-C levels are acceptable if they are at 0,2uW/cm2 for an 8 hour exposure time, or an equivalent dose as per ISO 15858.
If the intensity level is not according to the usage of the room (Exposure time and/or irradiance) the position and number
of units should be reconsidered and adjusted to reach the required level of irradiance in the actual installation.
The unit is designed for minimum maintenance need and time. Possible maintenance for the unit by a qualified person is limited
to changing lamps in the unit.
Occasional UV-C measurements must be made to ensure that the UV-C levels in the treated areas remain within the allowable
exposure limits. A regular cycle of cleaning the lamp and interior reflector must be established based on visual inspection and
experience. The frequency of cleaning will vary with the conditions surrounding each installation. It is recommended that the
lamp and reflector be cleaned at least every 6 months.
Lamp exchange needs can be identified by the lamps operating hours, or by doing periodic irradiance measurements at pre-
defined positions of the actual installation in the final environment.
Lamp exchange and/or cleaning procedure must be executed in this order:
Identify the unit that needs cleaning or maintenance.
Use personal protective equipment that protect against UV-C irradiation and/or accidental exposure.
Make sure that power is turned off at the switch that is switching the UV-C devices centrally.
Lock out and tag out the lockable switch which in off state. This ensures safety during maintenance against accidental turn
Check the signaling light on the side of the luminaire. It should be OFF before starting maintenance.
Unscrew the safety screw from the luminaire (located on the top)
Open the louver unit carefully by turning it down. Be careful not to release the louver unit when opening it, to avoid injury!