· Please obseve the ollowing inormation, or not obseving the following inormation will
pobably induce injuy or major damages, and will cause the invalidity of all commitments
on repair guaantee and eliability.
• This poduct is for household use and other similar purposes. This product is designad to
use in indoor and closed areas, such as family envionment; in closed areas, such as
stoes and oices; in closed accommodation facilities, such as farms, hotels,
accommodation apatments. This poduct shall not be used outdoor.
Geneal Saey
• To dispose/ abandon this poduct, you are suggested to consult our authorized sevice
agency, so as to know necessay information and authorized agency.
lmpoant Say arning
• For all poblems and doubts about the efrigeator, you shall please consult authorized
sevice agency. Beore communicating with the authorized sevice agency, you shall
please not intevene in or ask othes to intevene in the efrigeator at random.
• Please do not eat conical ice ceam and square ice cake taken out fom the feezing
chamber immediately. (This will pobably induce your oal frostbite.)
• For poducts for which freezing chamber is equipped: Please do not place botled and
canned liquid drinks inside the freezing chamber, or they will pobably pop open.
• Please do not touch fozen foods with your hands, since they will pobably stick to your
• Please pull out the plug of this efrigeator before cleaning or defosting the refrigerator.
• Never use steam and gasiied cleaning materials during the cleaning and defosting of the
ref rigeator. Under such circumstances, steam will pobably contact electric pats and so
induce shot circuit or electric shock.
• Please do not use the pats on the refrigerator, such as refrigerator door, as suppot or
• Please do not use the electric devices inside the efrigerator.
• Please do not use a drilling or cuting tool to damage any pat of the efrigerator, since
cyogen is circulated hee. Ater the gas channel, pipeline expansion part or surface
coating of the evapoator is transpierced, the cyogen will pobably low out and induce
that your skin is irritated and eyes ae hut.
• Please do not use any material to cover or block the ventilation hole of the efrigeator.
• Electric acilities must be epaied by authorized pesonnel. Repair implementad by
personnel without coresponding qualiications will bring danges to users.
• lf any ailure occurs, or during the implementation of maintenance or repair, the power
supply for the efrigerator shall be cut of by closing the fuse wie or pulling out the plug.