To register online please visit
or complete the form below, detach and mail to:
Caframo Limited, 501273 Grey Road 1, Georgian Bluffs, Ontario, N0H 2T0, Canada
*Model Number:
*Customer Name: _____________ *Address: _______________________________
*City:_______________________ *State/Prov: _____________________________
*Country: ___________________ *Zip/Postal Code:_________________________
*Phone: _____________________ Email: _________________________________
*Where did you purchase this product? ____________________________________
Retailer City and State/Province: _________________________________________
Please check the correct response.
Is this the first Caframo product you have purchased?
□ Yes
□ No
□ Don't know
How did you find out about this Caframo product?
□ Instore Display
□ Magazine Advertising
Check the main reason you purchased this product.
□ Gift
□ Office or work related
For statistical purpose, please fill in the following:
The purchaser of this product listed above was: □ Male
The age group of purchaser was:
□ 19 and under
□ 20 to 25
□ 45 to 54
□ 55 to 64
Approximate Family Income of the purchaser:
□ Under $19,999
□ $60,000 to $79,999
Occupation of the purchaser of this product:
□ Homemaker
□ Student
□ Middle Management
□ Tradesmen/Machine Operator/Labourer
* Required
Warranty Registration
*Date Purchased: _________________________
*Serial Number: __________________________
□ Newspaper
□ Sales Clerk
□ Friend(s)
□ Other
□ 26 to 34
□ 65 to 74
□ $20,000 to $39,999
□ $80,000+
□ Upper Management
□ Professional/Technical
□ Unemployed
□ Internet
□ Personal use
□ Female
□ 35 to 44
□ 75+
□ $40,000 to $59,999
□ Sales/Marketing
□ Retired
□ Farmer
□ Other