4.3.8. AC Current measurement
Make sure that all the test leads are disconnected from the meter terminals
for current measurement.
1. Rotate the switch on 60A∼ or 600A∼ (only HT9014) or 60A
2. Pushing MODE key and select the kind of measure "AC" (only HT9015)
3. Put the conductor to be tested inside to the center of clamp jaw to perform accurated
measurements. Consider the marks on jaws as reference (see Fig. 2). The reading will
be displayed
4. When "O.L." symbol is displayed, the result exceeds the maximum value that the
instrument is capable of measuring. Select an higher range
5. For HOLD, MAX/MIN and PEAK features please refer to § 4.2
The possible blinking values shown at display with open input terminals are
not a problem of the meter and these values will not be added to the
measured value
Fig. 9: Taking AC current measurements
EN - 15
HT9014 - HT9015
or 600A
position (only