If the clock is dead (the display doesn't work) during se ng, please
use a slim but blunt object (like ball pen pointer, toothpick etc.) to
press RESET hole, then the clock will return to the ini al mode.
Press SNOOZE key on the top of the clock at any me, the backlight
will be lightened.
- The ba eries should be replaced if the display screen or alarm
becomes dysfunc onal or weak.
- Please use a so cloth or a paper towel to clean the clock.
- Do not use any corrosive cleanser or chemical solu ons on the clock.
Flamagas, S.A. declares product DCD-23 complies with the essen al
protec ve requirements and objec ves of:
• EMC Direc ve 89/336/EC
To check the en rely declara on of conformity of this model, visit
www.electronicafl amagas.com
This product is guaranteed against all manufacturing defects for 2
years from the date of purchase. If the care advice and instruc ons
contained in this manual are not followed the guarantee will be
automa cally void. For this guarantee to be valid, it is necessary to
present the original receipt or invoice.
Exclusive importer Flamagas SA. www.fl amagas.com