This toothbrush has a 30 second interval timer, so that all four
jaw quandrants can be cleaned equally.
• Divide your jaw into four sections (quadrants): upper left,
upper right, lower left and lower right.
• Begin in one quadrant:
Place the brush head 1 on your gums and move the brush
upwards / downwards from the gums to over the crown of
the tooth.
Proceed in this manner on both the inside and the outside
surfaces of the tooth. Start again from the gums for each
individual tooth.
Do not forget the back surfaces of the rear molars.
To clean the chewing surfaces, direct the rotating brush
head with light pressure over the chewing surfaces.
• After 30 seconds the toothbrush interrupts its operation
briefl y twice, to signalise to you that you should start to
clean the next quadrant. Clean all jaw quadrants with the
same technique.
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