a – Place the bag between the two black gums in the vacuum chamber and close the cover
b – Press the start swicth
c 1 – Line Salvaspesa: press on the two sides of the cover with the hands (not in the center
and not with one hand only)
c 2 – Line Family and de Luxe Inox: close the cover or press in the center of the cover (De
Luxe Inox) with one hand
d 1 –Line Salvaspesa: when the red led lights the vacuum has been done, after some seconds
the welding bar start to seal the bag (the green led lights 7 times to show that the 7 seconds
of the seal is done)
d 2 - Line Family and de Luxe Inox: when the meter gauge is on the red, the vacuum has
been done, press on seal switch to start the seal operation
e - open the cover
Line Salvaspesa:
Bag is uder vacuum and correct sealed: the machine works correctly
Bag is under vacuum but not sealed: problem on the sealing bar o on the el. Card; verify the
green led lights 7 times (it means 7 seconds) if it lights less times, the seal time must be
Bag is not under vacuum but the red led lights: problem on the bag that don't let the machine
take off the air; change the bag as the machine works correctly
Line Family and de Luxe Inox:
Bag is uder vacuum and correct sealed: the machine works correctly
Bag is under vacuum but not sealed: problem on the sealing bar.
Bag is uder vacuum and correct sealed but the meter gauge don't move: the machine works
correctly, but the meter gauge has a problem
Bag is not under vacuum, but the meter gauge goes on red: bag's problem, pass on test n.2
Bag is not under vacuum and the meter gauge don't move: verify the correct placement of
the bag and the bag has no holes; pass on test 2
a – close the cover of the machine without bag
b - c - d - e same as before
Line Salvaspesa:
The red led doesn't lights: some air could pass from the cover; verify the good placement
of the black gums of the vacuum chamber and test again
The red led lights but the welding bar doesn't start the work or the green led doesn't lights:
problem on welding bar or on the el. card, if the bag is sealed, the machine works correctly
and the problem is just on the green light.
Line Family e de Luxe Inox:
The meter gauge arrive on red: the machine works correctly
The meter gauge remains on green or jellow: some air pass from the cover, the black gums
or from the electro valve.
The meter gauge don't move: some air could pass from the cover; verify the good placement
of the black gums of the vacuum chamber and test again, verify that the cover is not damaged
The meter gauge don't' move, but the machine works correctly: the meter gauge must be
a – Open the cover, start the machine and close with a finger the aspiration hole placet in
the right part of the vacuum chamber