Open the application interface
1)Click"Add group"Icons can create new group,Just to be
In "the group name" column input group name, in "type in the contact's name" column input contact key word, can
be in all of contact search, and added to the group. Finally click "finish".
In a group, click on the Menu button, Menu functions
a. Menu>Update
You can modify the group name, delete or add group of contacts
b. Menu >Delete
You can delete the group, and will not delete the contact itself.
c. Menu >Send messaging by group.
Automatic new information, and the group added to contact the address bar recipients
d. Menu >Send Email by group
If contact group have the same email address, the automatic new mail, and E-mail address in the address
bar add to the receiver
User Manual miSmart SMILE ☺
>Contact,change to the group.
saved in a cell phone group