Bergeon SA
2400 Le Locle / Suisse
Auto-shuts-down function
Send all the tests to the interface
Tél. +41 32 933 60 00
Fax +41 32 933 60 01
If no operation performed for 3 minutes; the unit automatically turns itself off. In the event of
significant battery discharge, the device turns itself off more rapidly, 1 minute after the last
Note: The auto-shut-down function is not activated when using a USB power supply.
All the tests can be transmitted to the interface in a single batch. Please check the baud rate
and the USB cable connection.
Preparing the computer unit
You must install the communication driver on a USB compatible PC. (The driver is supplied on
the USB stick provided with the device).
You must do the configurations on the computer. (For the installation procedure, please refer
to the instructions recorded on the USB stick).
Preparation (Tourque test device)
Turn on the device (press the "power" key)
Select the baud rate (bps 2400/4800/9600/19200).
Data transmission
Connect the USB cable to the computer and ATGE device. Start the software. (You must
connect the USB cable before starting the software!Do not connect the device ATGE to the
computer if the battery is not yet installed or the battery is empty).
Press the + or – button to access the highest test level (here:200 you want to
transmit (here: from 001 to 200).
Press the MD key
Example 1:
To transmit data from 001 to 200 the display should indicate the test 200 before
accessing the menu by pressing the MD key.
The display should show 001 Stt.
Example 2:
To transmit data from 001 to 200 the display should indicate the test 200 before
accessing the menu by pressing the MD key.
Then you must select the minimum value (here:101) with the + or – keys.
The display should show 001 Stt.
Example 3:
To transmit all the data, the display should show the test before accessing
the menu by pressing the MD key. Then you must select the minimum value
(here:001) with the + or – keys or the display should show 001 Stt.
Press the MD key to send the data.
Press the "clear" key to cancel if necessary.
Select the "BTGE" Measuring Instrument option from the drop down menu
and press the "start" button in the software. An excel file is automatically
generated and displayed.
When the screen shows the data numbers, pressing the + key lets you transfer
all the data.
To cancel data transmission press the "clear" key. None of the other keys are
functional during this operation.