The Elcometer 280 Models S and T, in standby, meet the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive and the Low Voltage Directive. The product is Class A, Group 1 ISM equipment
according to CISPR 11. Group 1 ISM product: A product in which there is intentionally
generated and/or used conductively coupled radio-frequency energy which is necessary for
the internal functioning of the equipment itself. Class A products are suitable for use in all
establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a low voltage power
supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Note: Additional information is given in "Working safely" on page 2.
Product Description: Elcometer 280 Pulsed DC Holiday Detector
Manufactured by: Elcometer Limited, Manchester, England
is a registered trademark of Elcometer Limited, Edge Lane, Manchester,
M43 6BU. United Kingdom
All other trademarks acknowledged.
TMA-0495 Issue 05 - Text with cover 22881