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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com DIMENSIONI - (A) DIMENSIONI / DIMENSIONS - (A) Wave Rivelatore di Gas Metano Allarme Alarm Natural Gas Detector Guasto Fault - 3 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com POSIZIONAMENTO / POSITIONING - (B) POSIZIONAMENTO - (B) Wave Allarme Wave Allarme Wave Allarme Rivelatore di Gas Metano Rivelatore di Gas Metano Rivelatore di Gas Metano Natural Gas Detector Alarm Natural Gas Detector Alarm Natural Gas Detector Alarm...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com MONTAGGIO / ASSEMBLY - (C) MONTAGGIO - (C) - 5 - - 6 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com MONTAGGIO / ASSEMBLY - (C1 a) MONTAGGIO - (C1 a) - 6 - - 6 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com MONTAGGIO / ASSEMBLY - (C1 b) MONTAGGIO - (C1 b) - 7 - - 7 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com MONTAGGIO / ASSEMBLY - (C2) MONTAGGIO - (C2) (C3) - 8 - - 8 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI / ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS - (D) COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI - (D) RGG/RGM - (D1) NC C NA RGG/RGM - (D2) NC C NA - 9 - - 9 - Manuale Rivelatori di Gas Manuale Rivelatori di Gas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com ETICHETTA DI SOSTITUZIONE / REPLACEMENT LABEL - (E) Sostituire entro Replace within SCHEDA DI INSTALLAZIONE / INSTALLATION CARD - (F) Da compilarsi a cura dell'installatore Fill in the form carefully Data di Installation installazione date Lotto...
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com ISTRUZIONI PER L’INSTALLAZIONE POSIZIONAMENTO (fig. B) • Installare in luoghi con un buon ricircolo d’aria (NON dietro a porte, tendaggi, arredi, ...), lontano da aperture o condotti di ventilazione, al sicuro da possibili urti o getti d’acqua.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Compilare l’etichetta (fig. E) con la data di sostituzione (data di installazione più 4 anni) ed applicarla in posizione visibile sulla copertura del rivelatore. • Riposizionare la copertura (fig. C1 b) ed alimentare il rivelatore. •...
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Il dispositivo è tarato per intervenire prima che la concentrazione di gas raggiunga il L.I.E. (limite inferiore di esplosività: 5% per il metano, 1,8% per il butano, principale componente del gpl), cioè prima che possa instaurarsi un pericolo d’esplosione.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Index Safety warnings Page Technical specifications Page Dimensions Page Installation instructions Page Positioning Page Assembly Page Electrical connections Page Operation Page Reference standards Page - 15 - Gas detectors User Manual...
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com SAFETY WARNINGS 1) The device should be installed by qualified personnel 2) Power supply must be equipped by bipolar circuit breaker; Connection terminals have cross section of 1,5mm 3) Before removing the cover, isolate the power supply and make sure there is NO power to the device 4) Before touching the terminals, make sure there is no power supply to the electric wires...
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com LEGEND A) Dimensions (page 3) B) Positioning C) Assembly ➀ Detector base ➁ Base housing the electronic circuits ➂ Cover ➃ Cable outlet for fixing to the built-in box (type 503 or equivalent) D) Electrical connections ➄...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com ASSEMBLY (fig. C page 5) • Open the device (fig. C1 a) and remove the base that houses the electronic circuit (fig. C2). • Fit the solenoid valve control cables and the detector power cables in the approprite slots in the base of the device (fig.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com RED WARNING LAMP ():detector in alarm status. An acoustic warning signal is issued at the same time and the relay switches after 30 seconds (if the alarm condition remains). • Alarm status: when the concentration of gas in the room where the detector is installed exceeds the safety threshold, an acoustic and light warning signal is activated (red warning lamp );...
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com REFERENCE STANDARDS Conformity to the European Community directives 2006/95/EC (Low voltage) 2004/108/EC (Electromagnetic compatibility) is declared with reference to the following harmonised standards: EN 50194 - 20 - Gas detectors User Manual...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Vemer S.p.A. I - 32032 Feltre (BL) Via Camp Lonc, 16 Tel +39 0439 80638 Fax +39 0439 80619 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.vemer.it...
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BO-0800 12 V 50-60 Hz CN-0010 4 VA 1. Elektroventil Manualaufrüstung M16/RMO N.A. e-mail:[email protected] - web site:www.vemer.it 2. SM series jerk handle 2 - Soupape à déchirement SM 2. Abrissventil SM 1. Electroválvula a rearme manual M16/RMO N.A. 3. Gas detector 3 - Révélateur de gaz...