ttach the float switch to the side of your aquarium or sump and turn the locking suction
cup securing knob in a clockwise direction until the float switch is fully secure (see photo 7).
4. Install the top up pump in your desired location e.g. sump or freshwater container, ensuring
that it is fully submerged and secured.
5. Carefully cut the flexible top up hosing to the correct length so that it can be successfully
secured in the hosing securing clamp on the mounting bracket without any kinks or sagging
(see photo 8).
6. Making sure not to over-tighten or restrict the hosing in any way, carefully tighten the
screw on the hosing securing clamp until the hosing is firmly held in place.
7. Ensure that all connections have been made correctly and securely.
Please Note: failure to do so could result in operating problems and water overflowing
from your sump or aquarium.
8. Plug in the PSU.
Please Note: We strongly recommend that you regularly check the water parameters of
your aquarium to ensure optimum water quality.