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ATTENTION: disposal should only be carried out
by qualified personnel.
Materials must be disposed of in conformity with the
current regulations.
In case of disposal, the system components do not entail
any particular risks or danger. In case of recovered
materials, these should be sorted out by type (electrical
components, copper, aluminium, plastic etc.).
For battery disposal, refer to the current regulations.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in
the present manual are not binding. The Company
reserves the right to make any alterations deemed
appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and
commercial improvement of the product, while
leaving its essential features unchanged, at any
time and without undertaking to update the pres-
ent publication.
10 - CLONIX 4 RTE - Ver. 02
Téléchargé sur www.confort-electrique.fr
Retrouvez tous les produits du fabricant BFT sur notre site internet www.confort-electrique.fr