IMPORTANT: for all of these programs, stimulation intensity must be
set between the threshold of impulse perception and the moment in
which the impulse starts to cause discomfort. With the exception of
the TENS14 program, the muscles surrounding the area to be treated
must not contract, they should only produce slight "vibrations".
N.B. read the specific instructions on TENS14.
URO programs
For the correct use of the vaginal and anal probe, please follow the steps here
Connect the probe to the cables and then lubricate it with a specific
cream (consult your doctor or your pharmacist) to avoid the
insertion in the anus or vagina;
Lay on the bed with the legs wide apart, if necessary with a pillow
under the back. Anyway, the better position is the one which causes
less discomfort, considering the fact that it has to be maintained for
the whole treatment time (max 30 minutes);
Gently introduce the probe in the anus or vagina, taking care to
introduce the probe at least till the two golden rings before start the
As reported in the list of programs up above we suggest to associate
electrostimulation with specific training exercises that can help the recovery
of muscular strength of pelvic floor muscles.
The weakening of floor pelvic muscles lead to problems like urinary
incontinence and urogenital prolapse. Strengthening these muscles lead to
great improvements in urinary incontinence and urogenital prolapse
symptomes, also blocking disease progress. Pelvic floor rehabilitation must be
first therapeutic approach to stress incontinence in women.
It is important to point out that these exercises must be taught by a specialist
(medician, physiotherapist, obstetric). In this kind of training, vaginal and anal
muscles contraction occur without the use of abdominal muscles and gluteus.
The exercises have to be repeated following specific steps suggested by