5.2. Power on
Put your finger on the power icon of the touch panel. As a lighting arrow shows up and keeps rolling, slowly swipe the panel in
the direction of the arrow and make sure your finger is touching the panel as you turn on the unicycle. The interactive panel is
shown below. The unicycle cannot be switched on when the battery is too low. There will be a voice prompt of "Low Battery".
5.3. Sleep and Power Off
When the unicycle is on, put your finger on the power icon of the interactive panel. As the running arrow shows, swipe your
finger along with the arrow direction until you hear the voice "sleep", which indicates the unicycle is in the sleep mode. There
will also be a blinking light on the interactive panel (shown below). After 30 minutes in sleep mode, the unicycle will power off
automatically and there will be no sign on the panel. If you need to power off immediately, please press the end of the arrow for
more than five seconds to power off. If the battery is below 10%, the movement to switch the unicycle into sleep mode will
directly power off the unicycle.