2. Safety Instruction of the Product
INMOTION unicycle is a product that is equipped with front and rear automatic self-balancing functions, and left and right
manual balancing, which combine fun and balance. To avoid risks of danger, follow the instructions of this Manual. Physical
harm or death may be caused due to falling, losing control, or collision should you not follow the instructions of this Manual.
Please read this Manual carefully, watch the safety videos, and follow the instructions below in order to avoid risk and potential
harm:Please wear helmet and other protection garments when riding the INMOTION unicycle;
Be careful when the road surface is slippery and when there isobstacles;
Do not ride the INMOTION unicycle on grasslands or gravel road;
Do not ride the INMOTION unicycle on treading water deeper than170cm;
Do not ride the INMOTION unicycle downstairs orupstairs;
Do not ride the INMOTION unicycle on automotiveroads;
Do not soak the INMOTION unicycle in water;
Do not ride the INMOTION unicycle at a speed higher than 20km/h(12mph);
If the pedals tilt upwards, do not continue to accelerate and reduce speed immediately;
Do not sit on the handle of the unicycle;
Assistance is recommended for all beginners with special attention to individuals younger than 18 or older than45;
Ensure the battery is full and the tire is inflated in the normal condition;
Due to the unique features of lit hi um battery, customers should charge the battery atleastoncea month. If damage is
done due to irregular maintenance of the battery, it is not included in the scope of the manufacturer's warranty.