The device 1D000192 was developed to control both resistive loads with a maximum absorption of 4A per load.
It is used for the management of heating elements in motorcycles.
Loads are adjustable in 5 steps from 0 to 100% with power increments of 25%.
Through a selector (wiring confi guration), independent operation of the two loads is obtained, with two command buttons
and two indicator lights, or,in the absence of the wire grounding, the control of a single load and OFF - ON (100%)
management of the other load is obtained
The two independent loads confi guration includes two buttons and two indicator lights, the operation cycle which is
described in the independent loads selection is identical for the two loads.
The confi guration with one button and a signal light allows to select the power of one load and the activation at 100% power
of the second load for any power selected; the cycle of operation is described in the dependent loads selection.
The device is powered by the motorcycle key; the fi rst operation is a warning light test for 2S.
The device stores the status of the last operation when the key is switched off, then two situations occur:
1) inactive load before removing key, when the key is introduced the warning light test is carried out and when the lights
turn off the device is ready to accept an activation command using the button.
2) active load before removing key, when the key is introduced the warning light test is carried out and when the lights
turn off the device signals - three times with fl ashing cycles - the power that had been selected and then activates the
load signalling the status with the corresponding warning light.
Pressing the button causes a progressive, circular advancement cycle, that starts from the last status, before removing the
key from the vehicle:
1) inactive load, pressing the button activates the load to 25%, signals the activation of power 1 fl ashing the warning light
3 times (one fl ash) and then the warning light turns on.
2) successive button presses increase the power applied to the load by 25%; the confi rmation of the command is indicated
by a corresponding number of fl ashes for three times; after reaching 100% of the load (4 warning light fl ashes) the
following button press deactivates the load, signalled by the warning light turned off.
3) if the load was active in the previous use of the vehicle, when the key is inserted the number of fl ashes of the warning
light after the test indicates the selected power and activates the load. Pressing the button will increase the power by
25% if < 100% or will deactivate the load if = 100%.
The warning light has the following functions:
1) indicates inactive load when turned off
2) pressing the button indicates the power with fl ashes (one fl ash for ever 25% of power) three times
3) indicates active load when steadily lit
4) when changing from steadily on to fl ashing indicates that the load has been switched off for low battery voltage, when
the battery voltage returns to normal voltage the lamp returns to steadily lit