4.6 Tool
4.6.1 File manager
Select the cell or T cards, press option performs the following actions:
——Open: Open the current file.
——Rename: change the file or folder name.
——Delete: delete the file or folder.
——New Folder: Create a new folder.
——Setting: You can set the sort of way and view the memory information
4.6.2 Alarm
This phone supplies six group of alarm, you can adjust the title, time, state,
cycle and ring for each group of the alarm. The options of the alarm cycle are:
only once, daily, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
The alarm clock will ring at the time and cycle you set, this time you can
choose to stop or delay the alarm.
Stop: stop the current alarm clock.
Delay reminding: suspend the reminding of the alarm clock; it will remind
you again after 5 minutes.
4.6.3 Calendar
You can check by week calendar tools, and edit or check the date of the
event in different tasks. Options menu you can achieve the following functions: