4.5.2 Inbox
Select the Inbox list to view any information into the interface options menu
in the realization of this interface by the following: back, forward, delete, call
sender, IP call, copied to the SIM card or mobile phone, the details:
Re: Select by way of SMS or MMS reply to each other.
Forward: forward the current message or multimedia message to other
Delete: Delete current information.
Call From: selective calling the current number.
IP calls: Select the form of a call through the IP.
Copy to SIM card or mobile phone: select the current information copied to
the SIM1 / 2 or mobile phone.
Details: View the current message of the date, time and sender.
4.5.3 Drafts
Select Drafts to enter, the screen pop-up boxes: open, write the information,
delete, copy to the SIM card or mobile phone, tag, details:
Open: Select Open to view this information.
Write a message: Select the SMS or MMS to edit the information.
Delete: Delete current information.
Copy to SIM card or mobile phone: select the current information copied to
the SIM1 / 2 or mobile phone.
Tag: optional tag or all of the tags.
Details: View the current message of the date, time and sender.