them inside the carrying box. In this case, always
remove battery and soft tip from the device.
Trouble shooting
If your Qgo makes a whistling sound regularly, make
sure that:
1 the correct size of soft tip has been used
2 the module has been inserted properly in the soft
tip and
3 Qgo has been inserted properly and far enough in
the ear
If you wear your soft tips too long, the material could
deteriorate and loose its seal. In that case replace the
soft tip with a new one. N.b.: It is normal that the Qgo
makes a whistling sound if you place it in the ear.
If you can not hear any sound from the Qgo, it is
possible that:
1 the battery is dead. Battery life depends very
much on the wearing time. If you wear the Qgo
app.16 hours a day, you should at least have 4
days of battery life. Bare in mind that a cell battery
always draws power after removing the sticker,
even when not used in a device!
2 the sound opening of the soft tip is blocked with
ear wax. If this is the case clean the soft tip (see
chapter 'Maintenance and use - Cleaning') or
replace it.
If the removal handle protrudes after the insertion of
the device and becomes visible, it can be easily
custom-cut with a side cutter or a pair of scissors.
Do not adjust the volume level too high.
Do not use the Qgo in very loud environments.
Adjust the volume with the push button just high
enough for good speech understanding
Ringing ears might be a sign that the volume level
is too high. Adjust the level by using the push
Before inserting Qgo in the ear, have your ears
checked. If there is excessive cerumen in your ear
canal, have it cleaned first. Do not do this yourself.
Always turn to an ENT doctor, a physician or an
audiologist for these procedure.
Never use the Qgo module without soft tip. The
soft tip is an essential part of Qgo. Without the
soft tip it will be difficult or even impossible to
remove the module from the ear. In that case
medical care is inevitable. Also, without the soft
tip, Qgo will not be able to function properly and
this could cause irreversible damage the module.
Never use damaged or dirtied soft tips. This can
negatively affect the hearing performance or
result in an uncomfortable fit, which in turn could
lead to infections of the ear.
Replace the soft tip of your device regularly, even