Satellite Connection
1. From both ends of each speaker
wire, pull off and discard the
precut strips of insulation,
revealing the bare wires.
2. Twist the individual strands of
bare wire tightly together so that
there are no free strands that
could short across the speaker or
amplifier terminals.
3. To connect the speaker wires to
the spring-loaded connectors on
the satellites and subwoofer,
push back on the spring-loaded
tab to expose the connection
4. Note the red band around the
lead with the copper wire at each
end of each speaker cable. This
will help you connect speakers
"in phase."
5. Insert the bare end of the wire
into the exposed hole, then
release the tab to lock the wire in
Connect the red (+) and black (–)
terminals on the subwoofer to their
red and black counterparts on the
cube speakers. Use the leads with the
red bands for interconnecting the red
terminals, and the unmarked leads
for the black terminals.
Connecting the two cubes
identically assures that they operate
"in phase" (their cones move in and
out together). "Out-of-phase"
connections can muddy the stereo
effect. Solo voices, which should
appear to come from a point between
the two cubes, will sound "split"
between them.
The satellite amplifiers inside the
subwoofer are specifically designed
to drive the satellites. Do not connect
these left and right amplifier outputs
to any other speakers or any kind of
signal processing device.
You can splice more standard
speaker wire or regular 18-gauge
lamp cord onto the 9-ft. speaker
wires supplied using wire nuts. Visit
your store to purchase additional