Auto Flip
You can set the Reader to [Auto Flip] mode. The auto flip durations
available are: 10secs, 20secs, 30secs, 40secs, 50secs, and 1 min.
Book Information
You can check the information of the current book from the [Book
Information] option. This will show:
Title, Author, Publisher, File Type, Date added, File size, Publisher and
Depending on the source of eBook that you download/purchase,
some of the information may not be available.
Display Settings
Use to adjust font colour, background colour and brightness during
Change of font colour and background colour are only applicable
to txt and epub documents.
Add to Favorite
You can add books to your Favorite List. In Option menu, move the
cursor to [Add to Favorite] to add current book into Favorite List.
To view books in Favorite List, from the Home Menu, press the
<Menu> button and select [Favorite].
To remove book from Favorite:
Enter the Favorite List from the Home menu. Move the
cursor to the desired book title. Press the <Menu> button
and select [Delete] from the dropdown list.
From the reading page, press the <Menu> button and
select [Remove from Favorite] from the Option Menu.
Background Music Playback in Book page
The Reader supports background music playing when reading
books or viewing photos.
Reading Books
Reading Books