This will bring up the Skin Chooser. Currently CapWiz includes 2 skins. In the future there
may be other skins available for download from ADS Tech website.
You can set up to be warned if you don't have enough disk space available when you
begin recording. Check this box to enable the feature and set the slider to the amount of
disk space you feel comfortable as a warning level.
Options for Recording...
This presents a Recording Options dialog box with the following selections:
Prompt to Confirm Recording start:
If this is enabled, you will receive a prompt confirming when ever you click the Record
button. This may be used to more accurately time the beginning of a recording session.
Prompt for Recording Delay:
Enabling this feature will cause the "Recording Options" box to appear when you click the
Record Button. Un-check "Prompt for Recording Delay" to disable.
When you click the Record button you will be presented with a dialog box which allows
you to set the hours, minutes and seconds for recording delay. For example if you want to
start recording in 1 hour, set to one hour, after one hour, recording will start automatically.
Disable Screen Saver during recording
If you are doing a long capture you may want to disable your screen saver. Sometimes,
depending upon the graphics card you are using, a screensaver, can disrupt the
video capture.
You can set a time limit for your recording. If you know you want to record for exactly 1
hour, you can set the record duration, hours, minutes and seconds exactly. Start recording
and walk away knowing that the recording will stop at the time limit you determine. You
can use Record delay and Record duration in combination.
VCR-Style Timer Recording
Use this function to start and stop a recording based on your Computer System Time
Clock. Set the Start Date and Time and Stop Date and Time, then check the box "Use start
and stop recording times specified". Click Ok and then click the "Record" (
) button in the
Capture Wizard interface to activate it.
By clicking the Wizard button, the Wizard Steps will start on your screen and you can
make any changes needed. If you click this button by mistake, just click Cancel on the
Step1 screen.
About CapWiz...
Select this to see information about the CapWiz application you have. This information is
important if you have any problems and need to contact the Tech Support for help. Look
for the version number and Date.
Help Using CapWiz...
This will bring up an Adobe Acrobat file that will display this CapWiz manual.
System Info
This will bring up a dialog box with all of your system information. You can click the copy
button and paste this information in an e-mail and send to the Tech Support member if
he/she requests it.