Preview and Record Video
1 Be sure your video device is playing a video
2 Click "Preview" and you will see video playing in the preview window. You will notice the
status indicator displaying "Preview".
3 Click the "Stop" ( ■ ) button or press the "Esc" key on your keyboard to stop video preview.
4 If you Click the Red "Record" (
momentarily, then start again. When the video preview starts again, you are recording.
You will notice the status indicator displaying "Recording" and the Time count start.
5 To Stop recording, press the "Stop" ( ■ ) button or press the "Esc" key on your keyboard.
6 You will notice that the file name has been added to the playback list box.
Ways to Begin Recording
1 You can start recording from the Stop or idle status in CapWiz or while you are
previewing video.
2 Click the red Record (
3 To Stop recording, Click the "Stop" ( ■ ) button or the "Esc" key on your keyboard.
4 The video will be displayed in the resolution you selected for the video capture.
Captured video files can be displayed on your computer monitor. Use this option to
Playback the files you captured. Video will be played back at the resolution it was
captured in.
1 Click on the file name in the Playback List Box, then click on the "Play" ( ► ) button. You
may also double click on the file name for Instant Playback. You will notice that the
status indicator turns Green and the display changes to Play.
2 To Stop Playback, Click the Stop ( ■ ) button or press the "Esc" key on your keyboard.
Seek through the video
If you have recorded a long video, you may want to jump ahead to a specific point in the
video file and continue playback from that point. This feature is possible for MPEG-2
files only.
1 Double-click on the file you want to Playback in your computer.
2 As the video is playing in the screen, use your mouse to drag the playback position
slider to the point you desire.
3 Once you release the mouse, the file will resume playback.
Keyboard Short Cuts:
Preview = Enter key
Record = "R" key
Instant Playback = double click file name
Play/Pause = space bar
Stop Record = Esc key
Stop Preview = Esc key
Advance 1 second (in Pause mode) = right arrow key
Rewind 1 second (in Pause mode) = left arrow key
) button while previewing video, the video will stop
) button to begin recording at any time.