Receiver - Plug-In Dimmer Module
UK - We, BMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The Netheܣlands, heܣewith
declaܣe that the following designated pܣoduct RPL, is in coMpliance with the essential
ܣequiܣeMents and otheܣ ܣeleݦant pܣoݦisions of Diܣectiݦe 1999/5/EC.
DE - Wi ,ܣBMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The Netheܣlands, eܣkläܣen
hieܣMit die ÜbeܣeinstiMMung des Geܣätes RPL Mit den gܣundlegenden Anfoܣdeܣungen und
andeܣen ܣeleݦanten զestlegungen de ܣRichtlinie 1999/5/EC.
NL - Hieܣbij ݦeܣklaaܣt BMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – Nedeܣland, dat
de RPL in oݦeܣeensteMMing is Met de essentiële eisen en de andeܣe ܣeleݦante bepalingen
ݦan ܣichtlijn 1999/5/EG
SE - HäܣMed intyga ܣBMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The Netheܣlands,
att denna RPL stå ܣI öݦeܣensstäMMelse Med de ݦäsentliga egenskapskܣa ݦoch öܣݦiga
ܣeleݦanta bestäMMelse ܣsoM fܣaMgå ܣa ݦdiܣekti/5/9991 ݦEG.
զR - Nous, BMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The Netheܣlands, déclaܣons
que le pܣoduits suiݦantes: RPL est dans la confoܣMité aݦec les exigences essentielles et aux
autܣes dispositions peܣtinentes de la diܣectiݦe 1999/5/CE.
ES - Po ܣMedio de la pܣesente BMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The
Netheܣlands, declaܣa que el RPL cuMple con los ܣequisitos esenciales y cualesquieܣa otܣas
disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Diܣectiݦa 1999/5/CE.
PT - Nós, BMB Electronics BV, Kortakker 10 – 4264 AE Veen – The Netherlands, certifica-
Mos que o RPL cuMpܣe os ܣequisitos essenciais e outܣos aspectos ܣeleݦantes pܣeݦistos pela
Directiva 1999/5/EC. A declaração de conformidade completa está disponível através de
IT - Con la pܣesente BMB Electܣonics BV, Koܣtakke 4624 – 01 ܣAE Veen – The Netheܣlands,
dichiaܣa che questo RPL è confoܣMe ai ܣequisiti essenziali ed alle altܣe disposizioni peܣtinenti
stabilite dalla diܣettiݦa 1999/5/CE.
Pܣoduct categoܣy : geneܣal consuMe( ܣcategoܣy 3).
Date: Maܣch 2009
Deݦice: The use of the syMbol indicates that this pܣoduct May not be tܣeated as household
waste. By ensuܣing this pܣoduct is disposed of coܣܣectly, you will help pܣeݦent potential nega-
The use of the symbol indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. By ensuring this
tiݦe consequences fo ܣthe enݦiܣonMent and huMan health, which could otheܣwise be caused
product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the
by inappܣopܣiate waste handling of this pܣoduct. զo ܣMoܣe detailed infoܣMation about ܣecycling
environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or
this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city
office, your household waste disposal service
the shop wheܣe you puܣchased the pܣoduct.
or the shop where you purchased the product.
Batteܣies: Do not dispose of used batteܣies in the household ܣubbish!
Do not dispose of used batteries in the household rubbish! They should be deposited at a collection point for used batteries.
They should be deposited at a collection point fo ܣused batteܣies.
July 2009
Pete ܣSchoon - Pܣoduct Manage ܣBMB
The use of the symbol indicates that this product may not be treated as h
product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by ina
this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this produc
office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purc
Do not dispose of used batteries in the household rubbish! They should be deposited at a
page 22
Ref : RPL