IMPPUMPS GHN Serie Guia De Inicio Rapido página 22

(SI) Ta izdelek spada na področje uporabe Direktive 2012/19 / EU o ravnanju z odpadno električno in
elektronsko opremo (OEEO). Aparata ne smete odlagati v gospodinjske odpadke, ker je narejen iz različnih
materialov, ki jih je mogoče reciklirati v ustreznih strukturah. Pri občinskih organih se pozanimajte o lokaciji
ekoloških ploščadi, ki lahko sprejmejo izdelek za odstranjevanje in njegovo naknadno pravilno recikliranje.
Poleg tega je treba opozoriti, da je distributer, ob nakupu enakovrednega aparata, dolžan brezplačno
sprejeti izdelek za odstranjevanje. Izdelek ni potencialno nevaren za človeško zdravje in okolje, saj ne
vsebuje škodljivih snovi v skladu z Direktivo 2011/65 / EU (RoHS), vendar, če je zapuščen v okolje negativno
vpliva na ekosistem. Pred uporabo aparata najprej natančno preberite navodila. Priporočljivo je, da izdelka
nikakor ne uporabljate za noben drug namen kot za tistega, za katerega je bil namenjen, če je nepravilno
uporabljen, obstaja nevarnost električnega udara. Simbol prečrtanega zabojnika na nalepki na napravi
označuje skladnost tega izdelka s predpisi o odpadni električni in elektronski opremi. Zapuščanje opreme v
okolju ali nezakonito odstranjevanje opreme, se kaznuje z zakonom.
(EN) This product falls within the scope of Directive 2012/19/EU regarding the management of electrical
and electronic equipment waste (WEEE). Electronic-electrical equipment must not be disposed of with
domestic waste as it is made of various materials that can be recycled at the appropriate facilities. Inquiries
should be made through the municipal authorities regarding the location of the ecological platforms that
receive products for disposal and their subsequent correct recycling. Furthermore, it is worth remember-
ing that, upon purchase of an equivalent appliance, shops are obliged to collect the product for disposal
free of charge. This product is not potentially dangerous for human health and the environment, since it
does not contain harmful substances as per Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS), yet if abandoned in the
environment it has a negative impact on the ecosystem. Read the instructions carefully before using the
appliance for the first time. It is recommended that you do not use this product for any purpose other than
that for which it was intended; there is danger of electric shock if used improperly. The crossed-out bin
symbol found on the appliance label indicates the compliance of this product with the regulations
regarding electrical and electronic equipment waste. Abandoning the appliance in the environment or its
illegal disposal is punishable by law.

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