Damage Analysis
Before each use of the rescue stretcher, it must be checked for the following signs of wear and / or damage:
Strap or textile damage due to abrasion, cuts, heat or chemicals.
Damage to any type of seam.
All types of damage to the load-bearing textile structure.
All types of contamination through technical liquids that can no longer be cleaned.
Damage to the Velcro fasteners.
Deformation or corrosion of the fitting components or snap buckles.
Defective snap buckles or clasps
Check the legibility of the product marking.
Immediately one of the damage analysis points described above is detected before use, the rescue stretcher with
carrying function must be taken out of use.
Safety Requirements
Through interaction, every combination of different equipment can give rise to unforeseen hazardous
situations and negatively affect the safety of the user.
All instructions for the protection of the user and the rescue stretcher with carrying function given in these
instructions for use must be strictly observed. The rating plate must always be visible and legible.
In order to avoid a suspension trauma, an emergency plan on the part of the user must be available for every
type of use of the rescue stretcher with carrying function. A suspension trauma is a life-threatening state of
shock that occurs after long, motionless hanging in a harness system. This can lead to unconsciousness and
to cardiac arrest.
This emergency plan must ensure that the vertical hanging time of the person in the rescue stretcher is kept
as short as possible and so prevent massive damage to health.
It is vital that the belt fitting of the rescue stretcher to the person is regularly checked during its use.
Mittelmann Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG - Bessemerstrasse 25 - DE-42551 Velbert
Phone: +49 (0)2051 / 91219-00 – Fax: +49 (0)2051 / 91219-19 – E-mail:
[email protected]
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