Before starting the belt fitting, all belts and snap buckles are opened and placed to the side. Now the injured
person is placed with his / her back on the RsqTec COCOON so that the top of the head is approx. 5 cm below
the inner edge of the protective tray. Then the step-by-step instructions for correct belt fitting, presented in table
form, are carried out.
Mittelmann Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG - Bessemerstrasse 25 - DE-42551 Velbert
Phone: +49 (0)2051 / 91219-00 – Fax: +49 (0)2051 / 91219-19 – E-mail:
[email protected]
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Pass the long side of the leg straps (red (h) and green
(g) from Section 5.1) from the side under the respective
thigh of the person. Lead up into the crotch and connect
with the corresponding snap buckles (the snap buckles
must engage audibly and tangibly). The strap is
tightened (not constricting) without changing the
position of the person.
Place the shoulder strap ((e) from chapter 5.1)
lengthwise over the head of the person, guide it around
the shoulders and connect it in front of the chest with the
side parts of the chest strap ((f) from Chapter 5.1). The
strap is tightened (not constricting).
It is imperative that the full freedom of movement of the
chest for breathing is maintained.