Art. 27431
Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi
13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy
Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 - [email protected]
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Resumen de contenidos para Gessi OVALE 27431

  • Página 1 THERMOSTATIC PROGRAM PROGRAMME THERMOSTATIQUE PROGRAMA TERMOSTÁTICO OVALE Art. 27431 Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 - [email protected]...
  • Página 2 Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products. ► W orkingpressureshouldnotbelowerthan0,5bar(7,25psi)andnotbehigherthan 5 bar (72 Psi). In case of higher working pressure use a pressure reducer valve.
  • Página 3: Attention - Avertissement

    Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieure à5bar(72Psi).Encasdepressionsdeserviceplushautesutiliserunesoupape de réduction de la pression.
  • Página 4: Cuidado - Advertencia

    A continuación Les proporcionamos los datos técnicos relativos a la instalación de los productos de grifería Gessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5 bar(72Psi).Encasodepresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvulade reducción de la presión.
  • Página 5 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Fig. 1 “Suggested height” to be determined by the end user. “Hauteur conseillée” à vérifieravecleparticulierlorsdelapause. “Complexión sugerida” a determinarporelusuariofinal. 1/2” NPT - M COLD 1/2” NPT - M...
  • Página 6 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the product, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes. Foreign bodies can enter the product through the rinsed pipes or the general water plant and could damage the washers/ring washers.Sofiltersshouldbeinstalledalsoonthegeneralsystem.
  • Página 7 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Fig. 2 Package content: Contenu de l’emballage: Contenido del embalaje: 1 - Shower head 1 - Pomme 1 - Rociador 2-Wallfastening 2 - Fixation murale 2-Fijaciónalapared 3 - Handshower 3 - Douchette 3 - Ducha-teléfono 4 - Flexible hose 4 - Flexible pour la douchette 4 - Flexible de la ducha-teléfono...
  • Página 8 ToolS For inSTAllATion - ouTilS néCeSSAireS Pour l’inSTAllATion - HerrAmienTA neCeSAriA PArA lA inSTAlACión Fig. 3 1/8” [3 mm] 1/8” [2,5 mm] 1-3/16” [30 mm] 9/16” [14 mm]...
  • Página 9 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 1/2” NPT - F 1/2” NPT - F...
  • Página 10: Instalación

    INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN inSTAllATion Before starting make sure the water network is off. The installation of this article needs 1/2”NPT female threaded feeding pipes placed at a 3/16”[5mm] distance from the finished wall. Furthermore check the correct disposition of the lines. Warning!Thewrongconnectionofinletdevicesdisruptsproperoperationoftemperatureadjustment cartridge.
  • Página 11 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Use hemp or teflon Employer chanvre ou teflon Usar cáñamo o teflón 1-3/16” 9/16” [30 mm] [14 mm] Fig. 10 Fig. 11...
  • Página 12 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN mixer Body inSTAllATion Before starting make sure the water network is off. Check that the position of pipes is within the parameters in the figure, then screw the eccentrics on supply pipes using hemp or Teflon to guarantee tightness on threads (the final center distance between the two eccentrics shall be of around 5-14/16”[150mm]).
  • Página 13 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 12 Fig. 13 1/8” [2,5 mm]...
  • Página 14 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN uPPer PArT ASSemBly Install the pins that you’ve found in the plastic bag, in their seats. Introduce smoothly the upper part in order not to damage the seals on the fitting. Screw in the dowel that you’ve found in the plastic bag to fix the upper part to the body.
  • Página 15 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 14 Fig. 15 1/8” Fig. 16 Fig. 17 [2,5 mm] Fig. 18...
  • Página 16 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN WAll FixinG On the vertical arm of the shower there is the support for the wall fixing; it can be adjusted in height (sliding on the vertical arm) and in depth (with a hidden system). Choose the desired height and place the block on the wall to mark the centres of the hole.
  • Página 17 SPARE PARTS - PIÈCES DE RECHANGE - PIEZAS DE REPUESTO Spare parts: Pièces de rechange: Piezas de repuesto: 1 - Handle for temperature 1 - Poignée réglage température 1 - Maneta para la regulación de adjustment 2 - Cartouche thermostatique la temperatura 2 - Thermostatic cartridge 3 - Poignée réglage débit...
  • Página 18 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 19 Fig. 20 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 21 oPen Fig. 22...
  • Página 19 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO TemPerATure AdjuSTmenT For THe THermoSTAT HeAdSHoWerS Thesafetyblockoftheexternalthermostatmixerhasbeenadjustedinthecompanyatatemperature of38+/-1°C.Aftertheinstallationoftheproductitissuitabletocheckthisvalue.Inordertodosoit isnecessarytokeeptheadjustmentknobofthetemperatureinpositionof38°C,startthedistribution rotating the knob which adjusts the flow and measure the temperature of the out-coming water flow withasimplethermometer.Ifthewatertemperatureisdifferentfromthenominaloneadjustedonthe thermostat than proceed as follows. Positionthetemperatureadjustmenthandleon38°Cposition,unscrewwiththespecialAllenwrenchthe fastening screw in the lower part of the handle and finally remove it from cartridge pin. Turn clockwise the cartridge pin (to increase temperature) or counterclockwise (to reduce temperature) untilreaching38°Csupply. Reassembleallaccordingtoassemblydirections.Thenreinstalltheadjustmenthandlesothatthered...
  • Página 20 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO - Pression conseillée 3 bar Fonctionnement -soitavecdeschauffe-bainàgazqu’électriquesàaccumulation, - installations centralisées, - chaudières murales, - filtres en acier inox pour le traitement des impuretés. Attention: consulter le plombier pour le choix du dispositif de réchauffement de l’eau le plus approprié. reGulACión TemPerATurA PArA PomoS de duCHAS TermoSTÁTiCoS Elbloquedeseguridaddelmezcladorestáajustadoenfábricaaunatemperaturade38±1°C.Tras haber instalado el producto es preciso verificar dicho valor.
  • Página 21 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 23 11/16” [17 mm] 1/8” [2,5 mm] 1-1/16” [27 mm] Fig. 24 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 25 Fig. 26 11/16” [17 mm] 1/8” [2,5 mm]...
  • Página 22 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO HeAdvAlve rePlACemenT Before carrying out this operation make sure that water of the water mains is closed. Unscrew the grub screw (1) using an Allen wrench. Lift the handle (2) and take it out form the headvalve (3. Unscrew then the headvalve (3) using a 11/16"[17mm] wrench and replace it.
  • Página 23: Sustitución Del Desviador

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO SuSTiTuCión del deSviAdor En caso de daños al desviador, éste puede ser sustituido sencillamente. Antes de empezar las operacionesdemantenimiento,lesaconsejamosquecierrenelaguadelaredhídrica.Destornillenel pomodeldesviadordelavarilla.Destornillenlaclavijadefijación,alojadaenlapartebajadelbujede acabado y extraigan la misma. Sustituyan el desviador (tras haber limpiado con cuidado el asiento del desviador de las impurezas) y vuelvan a ensamblar los detalles según el procedimiento inverso.
  • Página 24 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 27 Fig. 28 1/4” [6 mm] FilTerS CleAninG And/or SuBSTiTuTion Iflittlewaterissuppliedbythemixeritisappropriatetochecktheconditionsoffilterspositionedonthe wall connections behind the body of shower column. Before this operation make sure that water net- work is off. Loosentheconnectionsonwhichfiltersarepositioned.Keeponwithcleaningoperationsusingrunning water to remove impurities. Verify that also the seats were clean from impurities or limestone. Finally,followingtheoppositesequence,placefiltersintheirseatsandcheckthatallworksproperly.
  • Página 25 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO limPiezA y/o SuSTiTuCión de loS FilTroS Enelcasodequeocurraunaerogaciónescasadeaguaprocedentedelmezcladoresprecisoverificar lascondicionesdelosfiltros,alojadosenlosracoresdeparedpordetrásdelcuerpodelacolumna ducha. Antes de efectuar dicha operación asegúrense que el agua de la red hídrica esté cerrada. Destornillenlosracoressobreloscualesestánalojadoslosfiltros.Efectúenlasoperacionesdelim- pieza utilizando agua corriente para eliminar las impurezas. Verificar que las sedes estén limpias de impurezas o cal.
  • Página 26: Product Cleaning

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO ProduCT CleAninG Water contains limestone in different qualities, which remains kept on the surfaces of the product, leaving deposits after the water has been evaporated. It is possible to prevent the forming of limestone deposits and to keep your product clean by drying it always with a soft cloth immediately after use. DETERGENTS,SOLVENTS,CHEMICALAGENTS,ABRASIVESPONGES,WIREWOOL,ALCOHOL, ETC.
  • Página 28 ET 41250 - R0...

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