4. Using the PERSEUS Sound System
4.1 On/standby
The system has no OFF mode. When not in use, the system will automatically enter Standby
mode, which ensures a power consumpt ion of less than 0.5W. The system is considered in use
when a device streaming audio is connected, or if a pairing process is started by pressing the
pairing button. The actual state will show on the LED.
4.2 Bluetooth
To connect your Bluetooth enabled device to PERSEUS you first need to pair the devices.
PERSEUS will only pair if it is put into pairing mode. Do this by pressing the "Bluetooth pairing"
button on the front for two seconds, unt il the LED starts flashing and there is an acoust ic
feedback. Please see the user guide of your device for how to pair. The pairing process is done
when a device is paired, or if the t ime exceeds five minutes.
The system will provide the following feedback in pairing mode:
Not pairing
Pairing starts
Pairing completed
Pairing times out
In the Bluetooth list on your device, PERSEUS will be ident ified by the name "PERSEUS xxxxxx",
where xxxxxx is a unique number. After pairing is completed PERSEUS remembers the device,
and vice versa – so next t ime you just simply connect, no pairing needed.
4.3 Audio profiles
PERSEUS is built for use behind a mirror or below a cabinet. To give the opt imum sound, the
system has been equipped with profiles to match these different usages. Default the system is
using the profile for use behind a mirror. To swap profiles do the following:
1. Make sure the system is connected to power
2. Make sure that PERSEUS is in standby (LED off)
3. Press and hold the Bluetooth pairing button for 20 seconds
4. Release the Bluetooth pairing button
5. Profiles will be swapped and feedback given:
a. For 'mirror' profile the LED will flash once and there will be one beep in the speaker.
b. For 'other' profile the LED will flash twice and there will be two beeps in the
Loevschall PERSEUS
by Opalum
Acoustic feedback
Owner's guide
Rev. 1.2