Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B178AAG
December, 2012
VDM100 Vapor Delivery Module
3. Power Entry Module: The power entry module is used to connect AC
power to the VDM100 tank heaters. See Section 1.7 VDM100 lnternal
Layout and Basic Function for more details about the tank heaters. The
VDM100 can be configured to accept either 115 Vac or 230 Vac depending
upon the type of power provided by the end user. The factory default
configuration is for 230 Vac. The power entry module consists of 3 main
features as follows:
a. The AC input plug is a standard IEC plug where AC power can be
connected to the VDM100.
b. The ON/OFF switch for switching AC power to the VDM100 tank heaters
on or off.
c. The fuse drawer holds two 250V 3A fuses to protect the AC tank heaters.
lt also serves as the means to configure the AC input plug to accept 115
Vac or 230 Vac as required. As mentioned above the factory default is 230
Vac. There is a fuse drawer window that displays how the power entry
module has been configured. lf is critical that the supplied AC power and
the power entry module configuration match. For further instructions on
configuring the power entry module to match the supplied AC power, see
Section 2.9 Electrical Connections later in this manual.
4. Dl Water lnlet: This is where the Dl water supply is to be connected by
the end user. The fitting is either a 1/4" VCR Male fitting (as shown) or a 1/4"
Swagelok fitting depending on the configuration ordered. This is also
where a nitrogen gas supply is to be connected for the purpose of draining
the VDM100. See Section 3.0 Operation for more details and instructions
on how to connect Dl water and/or N2 to the inlet.
5. Tank Drain: This is a l/8" lnstant Tube Fitting. This is the outlet through
which the Dl water is drained from the tank. See Section 1.7 VDM100
lnternal Layout and Basic Function for more details about the tank.