1. Touch POWER one time at any time, the product will be started/stopped
working. But if in "COOL "function, when the product stopped will be
delayed to shut down for about 3 minutes, to dry the wet filter.
2. SPEED : touch "SPEED" one time or more times, the wind speed is cycled
as follows: LOW → MED → HIGH (→ LOW → ...)
3. COLD: touch "COLD", cool function start work and indicator light will be
light up.
4. MODE : when the product is in working, touch "MODE" one time or more
times, the corresponding icon will be light up and the mode is cycled as
follows: NORMAL → NATURAL → SLEEP (→ NORMAL → ...)
5. TIMER : when the unit is working, touch "TIMER"one time or more times,
timer will be cycled as follows : 1h → 2h → ...→ 12 → 0h (→ 1h →)
6. SWING : touch "SWING" one time or more times, automatic horizontal
swing will be start or stop , corresponding indicator light will be on or off.
7. ION : touch "ION" one time , it can purify the air, touch the second time,
this function will be off.