can be added, deleted and/or replaced in
the future.
IMPORTANT: During this operation, an inter-
net connection must be available (mobile
data or WiFi network).
IMPORTANT: The emergency numbers must
be mobile phone numbers and not landline
or national emergency numbers.
IMPORTANT: Always check that the emer-
gency numbers are correct and are func-
tioning after entering them.
d) Associate the car seat with the family
To associate the car seat with Chicco Bebè-
Care to the family account , proceed with
scanning the QR code on the car seat. The
QR code is printed on the type approval
label and can only be seen after removing
the silver film, scratching it with a coin. By
scanning the QRCode, the application rec-
ognises the car seat model, then simply
turn on Bluetooth®, apply pressure on the
car seat and move the smartphone near the
car seat to be associated and connect the
car seat with the family account.
Up to a maximum of 3 car seats with Chicco
BebèCare can be associated with the same
family account.
The specific car seat can be associated with
ONLY one family account.
IMPORTANT: If the QR code is already visible
or partially visible, contact Customer Service.
IMPORTANT: When scanning the QR code,
an internet connection must be available
(mobile data or WiFi network).
e) Check the correct operation of the
Periodically perform pressure tests on the
car seat (safety, during the journey on they
may harm) to check that Chicco BebèCare
is functioning.
f) Enter the information about the baby
After associating the car seat with the family
account, enter the name and date of birth of
the child. You can also enter a photograph.
Artsana does not guarantee equipment
operation in conditions other than those
indicated above, or in the case of improper
use (including, but not limited to, use with
minors who are not correctly secured to the
car seat, if used with animals, etc.).
The system is activated/connected after a
few seconds from the moment the baby
is placed in the car seat and signals the
presence of the baby in the car seat via the
APP. The activation/connection time varies
based on the specific characteristics of the
smartphone; in some cases, a few dozen
seconds may be necessary.
The alarm system is activated the moment
that the smartphone that is connected to
the car seat moves away from the car in
which the car seat is installed with the baby
in the car.
Chicco BebèCare has two alarm levels:
1. First level alarm: if the smartphone moves
away from the car in which the car seat
is installed with the baby in the car, an
acoustic and visual alarm will appear on
the smartphone that can be silenced with-
in 40 seconds. If the smartphone moves
towards close to the car seat, this will not
stop the alarm, and it will be necessary
to interact with the APP by pressing the
"STOP" button.
2. Second level alarm: this is activated the
moment in which the first level alarm was
not silenced within the time window pro-
vided for the first level alarm, and sends
an alarm messages to all the predefined
emergency numbers with the information
needed for geolocating the area where
the baby is located.
The Chicco BebèCare app comes with a
package of "alarm messages" that will decre-
ase with every second-level alarm message
by a number equal to that of the emergency
contacts entered. Alarm messages can be
bought through the Chicco BebèCare app.
In the event of insufficient residual alarm
messages, it is necessary to proceed with
the purchase of one of the packages avai-
lable in the dedicated "Purchases" section
of the app.
If an insufficient number of alarm messages
is available, the system is disabled and will
not operate.
If there is no signal, Chicco BebèCare will cor-