Finishing Feeder AccuCrank™
Step #8
Attach the divider rods (K) to the sides and bottom as shown. Each divider rod will have two
5/16" SS hex nuts (Item 7), two 5/16" SS locknuts (Item 6), and two 5/16" SS lock washers (Item
4). Before attaching divider rods to feeder, take and thread 5/16" SS hex nuts and 5/16" SS lock
washers onto divider rod as shown below (see ROD DIVIDER DETAIL). Now, insert the divider
rod into hole in feeder side and other end of rod into feeder bottom. Attach a 5/16" SS locknut
to each end of divider rod. Tighten the 5/16" SS locknut on the feeder bottom first. (Note: When
this locknut is tightened the divider rod should have no more than two threads past the
locknut, if there are more than two threads showing readjust the hex nut). Next, tighten
the locknut on other end of divider rod inside the feeder (Detail A). Lock side panel (F) in place
to where it has the same gap in-between door and panel all the way across evenly.
Step #9
Attach cross braces (L) to top of feeder side as shown. Use one 1/4" X 1/2" bolt (Item 1), two
1/4" flat washers (Item 3), and one 1/4" locknut (Item 5) on each end of cross brace. Tighten all
Detail A
Rod Divider Detail
Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA August 2016