Siemens Max-Flex 3VA9478-0CX.0 Instructivo página 4

Interruptor auxiliar
2) Switch Voltage
12 V
24 V
110 V
220 V
1) Switch Manufacturer's Contact Ratings at Direct Voltage. Minimum Contact Load is 100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC / Schaltleistungen des Schalterherstellers bei Gleich-
spannung. Die min. Kontaktbelastung beträgt 100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC / Valores nominales con corriente continua según el fabricante. Carga mínima en contactos:
100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC / Pouvoir de coupure fabricant en courant continu. La charge minimale des contacts est 100 mA @ 12 V CA/CC / Potenza di commutazione
del produttore del blocchetto di contatti con tensione continua. Il carico minimo del contatto è di 100 mA @ AC/DC 12 V / Potência de contacto do fabricante do
interruptor com tensão direta. Carga de contacto mínima é 100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC / Doğru gerilimde şalter üreticisinin kontak güçleri. Minimum kontak yükü, 12 V
AC/DC'de 100 mA'dır. / Максимально допустимая мощность включения/отключения контактов переключателя при постоянном напряжении.
Минимальная контактная нагрузка — 100 мА при 12 В AC/DC / Wartości znamionowe styków przełączających przy prądzie stałym. Minimalne obciążenie sty-
ków to 100 mA przy 12 V AC/DC / 直流电压下开关制造商的触点额定值。最小触点负载为 100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC
2) Switch Voltage / Schaltspannung / Tensión conmutada / Tension des contacts / Tensione di commutazione / Tensão do interruptor / Şalter Gerilimi / Напряжение
переключателя / Napięcie przełącznika / 开关电压
3) Schaltstrom, ohmsche Last / Switch Current Resistive Load / Corriente conmutada con carga resistiva / Charge résistive / Corrente di manovra, carico ohmico / Carga re-
sistiva de corrente do interruptor / Şalter Gerilimi Direnç Yükü / Текущая активная нагрузка переключателя / Obciążenie rezystancyjne prądu przełącznika / 开关电流阻
4) Induktive Last L / R = 3 ms / Inductive Load L / R = 3 ms / Carga inductiva L / R = 3 ms / Charge inductive L / R = 3 ms / Carico induttivo L / R = 3 ms / Carga indutiva L / R =
3 ms / Endüktif Yük Sol / Sağ = 3 ms / Индуктивная нагрузка L/R = 3 мс / Obciążenie impedancyjne L / P = 3 ms / 感性负载 L / R = 3 ms
ON / I
ON / I
Finished / Ready ;Beendet / Bereit ; Terminé / Prêt ; Terminado / Listo ; Fine / Pronto ; Terminado / Pronto; Tamam / Hazır ; Монтаж завершен / Готово ;
Zakończone / Gotowe ; 已完成 / 就绪
Contact Technical Support / Wenden Sie sich an den Technischen Support / Contacter Technical Support / Contacte con el Technical Support / Contactar o
apoio técnico / Contattare il Technical Support / Teknik Destek bölümünü arayın / Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки / Kontakt ze wsparciem
technicznym / 联系技术支持
1, 4)
Red / Rot / Rojo / Rouge / Rosso / Vermelho / Kırmızı / Красный / Czerwony / 红色
2, 5)
Black / Schwarz / Negro / Noir / Nero / Preto / Siyah / Черный / Czarny / 黑色
3, 6)
White / Weiß / Blanco / Blanc / Bianco / Branco / Beyaz / Белый / Biały / 白色
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, or to provide for every possible contingency in connection with
installation, operation, or maintenance. Should additional information be desired, please contact  the local Siemens sales office. The contents of this
instruction manual shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment, or relationship. The sales contract contains the
entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained
herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty.
Trademarks - Unless otherwise noted, all names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG or Siemens Industry, Inc. The remaining
trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
© Siemens AG 2016
Subject to change without prior notice. Store for use at a later date.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren.
10 A, 125 / 250 V AC; 1/4 HP, 125 V AC
1) Switch Manufacturer's Contact Ratings at Direct Voltage
Minimum Contact Load is 100 mA @ 12 V AC/DC
3) Switch Current Resistive Load
10 A
5 A
0.5 A
0.25 A
4) Inductive Load L / R = 3 ms
Result / Ergebnis /Résultat /
Resultado / Risultato / Resul-
tado / Sonuç / Результат /
Rezultat / 结果
10 A
5 A
0.5 A
0.25 A