Interruptor de pared inteligente wi-fi (26 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para Sonoff DIY 4CH
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4CH/4CHPRO Q u i c k I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e V 1 . 0 4CHR3: 4-gang Wi-Fi Smart Switch 4CHPROR3: 4-gang Wi-Fi Smart Switch with RF Control 中文...
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断 电 Power off Ausschalten Apagado Éteindre Spegnimento Выключить 设备安装、故障维修请由专业资质电工操作,以免发生触电危险! To avoid electric shocks, please consult the dealer or a qualified professional for help when installing and repairing. Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Händler oder einen qualifizierten Fachmann, um Hilfe bei der Installation und Reparatur zu erhalten und um Stromschläge zu vermeiden.
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接 线 Wiring instruction Verkabelungsanleitung Instrucciones de cableado Instructions de câblage Istruzioni per il cablaggio Инструкции по проводке 控制灯具接线示意 Light fixture wiring instruction Anleitung zur Verkabelung des Beleuchtungskörpers Instrucciones de cableado para aplique de luz Schéma de câblage de la lampe de contrôle Istruzioni per il collegamento della lampada Инструкция...
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4CHPROR3 (DC Input) DC 9-24V L In AC 100-240V N In 4CHPROR3 (AC Input) N In AC 100-240V L In...
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控制插座接线示意(无地线可不接) Socket wiring instruction (Don’t need to connect if no ground wire) Anleitung zur Steckdosenverkabelung (muss nicht angeschlossen werden, wenn kein Erdungskabel vorhanden ist) Instrucciones para cableado de enchufe (no es necesario conectar si no hay cable a tierra) Schéma de câblage de la prise de contrôle(s'il n'y a pas de prise de terre, la ligne de masse peut être déconnectée).
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4CHPROR3 (DC Input) DC 9-24V AC 100-240V 4CHPROR3 (AC Input) AC 100-240V 确保线路接入无误。 Make sure all wires are connected correctly. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass alle Kabel richtig angeschlossen sind. Asegúrese de que todos los cables estén conectados correctamente. Assurez-vous que la connexion de la ligne est correcte. Accertarsi che tutti i cavi siano collegati correttamente.
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下载APP Download the APP APP herunterladen Descargar la aplicación Télécharger l'application Scarica la APP Cкачать приложение eWeLink eWeLink eWeLink works with everything...
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上 电 Power on Einschalten Encender Allumer Accensione Включить 通电后,设备首次使用,默认进入快速配网模式(Touch)。Wi-Fi指示灯呈“两短 一长闪烁”。 After powering on, the device will enter the quick pairing mode (Touch) during the first use. The Wi-Fi LED indicator changes in a cycle of two short and one long flash and release.
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三分钟内没有进行配网,设备将退出快速配网模式(Touch)。如需再次进入,长 按任意配置按钮5秒直到Wi-Fi指示灯呈“两短一长闪烁”即可。 The device will exit the quick pairing mode (Touch) if not paired within 3mins. If you want to enter this mode, please long press any configuration button for about 5s until the Wi-Fi LED indicator changes in a cycle of two short and one long flash and release.
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添加设备 Add the device Gerät hinzufügen Añadir el dispositivo Ajouter l'appareil Aggiungere il dispositivo Добавить устройство Add Device Quick Pairing WIFI devices can be added in this mo de(make sure the device is in pairing mode). Scan QR code GSM devices and devices with QR co de can be added in this mode.
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User Manual 扫码或输入网址下载并查看设备详细使用说明书。 Scan the QR code or visit the website to download and check detailed user manual. Scannen Sie den QR-Code oder besuchen Sie die Website, um das detaillierte Benutzerhandbuch des Geräts herunterzuladen und zu überprüfen. Debe escanear el código QR o entrar al sitio web para descargar y revisar el manual de usuario detallado del dispositivo.
FCC Warning Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could avoidthe user ’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, a n d ( 2 ) t h i s d e v i c e m u s t a c c e p t a n y i n t e r f e r e n c e r e c e i v e d , i n c l u d i n g interference that may cause undesired operation.
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HAVE A PROBLEM? We are so sorry for the inconvenience caused by the product. Please contact us for help via the email address below. [email protected] We will get back to you as soon as possible.