1/16 Shock Rebuild Instructions
Shock Disassembly
(Use the shock exploded view included to aid in the assembly process.)
1. Remove the spring and lower spring retainer from the shock.
2. Remove the shock cap and empty the shock body of shock oil.
3. Use side cutters to grip the shock shaft just above the rod end.
Remove the rod end from the shock shaft.
4. Remove the lower cap from the shock body with a small flat blade
screwdriver. Slide the shock shaft with piston out of the shock body.
5. Remove the O-rings and spacer from the bottom of the shock body.
Shock Assembly
1. Replace the stock piston by removing the top E-clip above the
piston. Place new piston onto shaft, and ten secure it by reinstalling
the top E-clip.
2. Insert the shock shaft assembly through the shock body until the
piston bottoms out.
3. Lubricate the shaft and O-rings with silicone oil.
4. Install the one o-ring over the shaft and into the bore of the shock
body followed by one small black spacer, and then another o-ring.
5. Install the lower cap by pressing it onto the shock body until
it snaps on.
6. Grip the shaft close to the threads with needle nose pliers or side
cutters and thread the rod end onto the shock shaft until the rod
end bottoms out.
7. Fill the shock with new silicone shock oil up to the top of the shock
body. Slowly move the piston up and down (always keeping it
submerged in oil) to release the air bubbles. Let the shock sit for a
few minutes to allow any remaining air bubbles to surface.
8. Slowly thread the upper cap with the installed shock bladder onto
the shock body. The excess oil will bleed out of the small hole in the
shock cap. Tighten the shock cap until snug.
9. Reinstall the spring and lower retainer.
Traxxas, 1100 Klein Road, Plano, TX 75074, Phone: 972-265-8000, Fax: 972-265-8011, e-mail:
[email protected]
Tools Needed:
• Needle nose pliers
• Small side cutters
• Small flat blade screwdriver
T RAXXA S. c o m
Covers Part #7061X, 7062
7145 Orange
7146 Green
7147 Tan
7148 Black
7140 Double Orange
7141 Double Green
7142 Double Tan
7143 Double Black
Rev 120810